Tuesday, June 14, 2016


Supposedly, the event that Sports Girl was meant to be hosting was this coming weekend. But she's not mentioned it since she discussed it with me originally.

In fact, she's not said anything to me since that (and that was a conversation I started).

Ah well. Her loss. I suspect they've changed the date because of Euro 2016, but as they hadn't officially announced it, haven't bothered with updates.

In other news, I have an upcoming day out with KfW2 planned. We still have to nail down an exact date, but it'll be within ten days.

Oh, and for some reason that I don't understand a blast from the past PD appeared in my LinkedIn news feed today. I've seen her once or twice since our night class, but never spoke. I always thought it was quite weird - I helped her with the class and the coursework (it was technical) and somehow she managed to score higher than me, even though it was my job. I saw her coursework - it was good enough to pass and score reasonably well, but it was nowhere near as good as mine.

I'd hoped that we'd meet once the results were published and grab a coffee or a drink and I could figure out if she were single, but despite numerous promises, she went quiet.

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