Tuesday, June 07, 2016

Onwards and upwards.

My first hosted social event is over. I think everyone enjoyed themselves and while I would do some things slightly differently, I'm pleased with my first effort. Not everything went according to plan. Neither E nor Sports Girl turned up. Sports Girl's attendance was always in doubt, but with a few days to go, it looked that she would turn up - asking specific questions about start times etc. I inferred from that that she'd be showing up, even though GM had said he couldn't make it. GM had family things on and given my tendency to take things more literally than sometimes people meant, I literally thought it would be his immediate family. Maybe, I reasoned, SG might show some self-awareness and give GM some space. I was wrong.

E's excuse was baby-sitting related. Someone in her family had dropped their own kids off at E's mother's house which meant she would have been babysitting three infants. E decided that this was too much for her mother on her own and stayed in. Sadly, she forgot to text me, so it took me texting her to find all of this out.

Communication is my bugbear. Is it rude not to reply back to an invite to a social gathering? I think so. I had to chase FP and my sister for a reply. GM eventually replied, two days before the event after all the shopping and planning had been done. CH eventually replied, a week before the event. SG didn't reply per se, but asked about start times yet never appeared.

CH, to her credit, sent a text earlier asking how the event went. FC apologised (again) for not being able to make it (though, he had said this all along). SG has been silent in the interim. Despite gushing in the past about how much she loves us and is thankful that we accepted her into our circle of friends, it seems that as soon as her and GM became an item, she's withdrawn. Mainly from me too from what I can tell. FC and S aren't as close to her as I was.

Well, if that's how it is, then that's how it is. I have another thing to arrange in about 4 weeks time and an impending afternoon out with KfW2, dates tbc.

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Giveth and taketh.

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