Monday, June 27, 2016

Silence is golden.

Unsurprisingly, CH has let me down again. We had an agreement to meet for coffee on Friday afternoon - she suggested Thursday or Friday and Thursday didn't suit me. However, she got called into a lat-minute meeting. One of her staff had a grievance to air and, as an HR issue, needed to be sorted.

The nature of the meeting meant that CH couldn't keep me updated, but it also meant that I stayed behind after work on Friday for an extra 45 minutes before she could update me. So she suggested this morning, before work. CH starts work at 8AM. I start after 9AM. That would mean I'd have to get up two hours earlier than usual. I texted back - could we do tea break instead? She agreed, but suggested that before work suited her better "in case I get called into unexpected meetings".

This morning, I was in a semi-panic. Somehow, my phone was down to 1% charge. This is unheard of for me, and I was aware that CH might text at any point to meet. I managed to get a quick burst into my phone to get it to 5% - enough to get me into work.

As I plonked my ass into my chair just after 9:15AM, I text CH asking what time we could meet and plugged my phone in to charge.

I heard nothing.

At 10:40 AM, my need for caffeine was too great and I trundled off to the coffee shop for my fix.

It was 12:55 before CH finally replied. She re-iterated that before work was better for her and she wouldn't cancel on me, even though she acknowledged that it sucked for me and explained that even though she had no meetings this morning, she got sucked into one unexpectedly.

As it was a text message, I presume some words were left out and that she meant she had no scheduled meetings.

Now, I sometimes think that I hold my friends in too high regard, but I don't think that, if we'd made plans to meet this morning that CH couldn't have sent a quick text before going into her meeting to let me know. I don't think that's unreasonable.

This is why I always have issues with CH's unreliability. On the rare occasions that CH has made arrangements herself, she never seems to cancel. When someone else sets out the plans, they have to change to suit her.

I suggest lunch to CH, she will only agree to coffee.
I suggest a day with CH, something pops up unexpectedly.
I suggest a time to meet, she cancels unexpectedly.

I don't believe that CH is telling lies above regarding Friday afternoon or this morning, but this kind of thing happens too often for it to be true all of the time. It was this kind of behaviour that prompted me to text her 18 months ago that then caused our communication failure - it's always other people who compromise, never her.

CH asked to reschedule to Friday morning, but I've got a lunch date with KfW2 on Thursday that will end up in the pub, so I'll probably be nursing a hangover on Friday. I'm going to ask CH about meeting next week.

Friday, June 24, 2016

It's the end of the world...

Today, I awoke in a world that seemed different. Poorer. Less vibrant. More scary.

The UK, the "country" in which I live, voted to leave the European Union.

I'd like to say that I'm surprised, but I'm not really. The first few results in last night, by the time I went to bed, had already indicated (to me anyway), the inevitable. However, to put some perspective into it, it's a series of agreements with other countries and some common laws. The world is not going to end - far from it, actually. I personally feel it won't be as good for me as before and I think we'll all (bar a few privileged people) will be much worse off, not just in monetary terms as well.

Unusually, this time around I did my homework. I looked at a lot of independent information to clarify what both sides of the argument were trying to say and, for me, the Leave campaign were telling outright lies and making promises that they simply could not keep. I know that that happens in all political vote gathering exercises, but when the outcome is pretty much irreversible, I'd like to think there would be better systems in place to stop this happening. I've been laughing at Trump in the States at his sheer gall, only to realise this morning that the Leave Campaign has pretty much gotten away with the same thing. Both sides were not covering themselves in glory, to be perfectly honest.

Even as the polling stations closed, Nigel Farage was still telling the cameras that Turkey are imminently joining the EU when all the reading I've done from independent sources are indicating it's not even close and could be ten years if not longer.

But not the end of the world.

However, this morning, while sipping my coffee and watching the telly and reading various sources on the internet, the realisation saddened me. I believe that the people have had the wool pulled over their eyes. Sure, there will be people who have legitimate and relevant reasons to vote Leave, but these people are, I would imagine, in the minority - I know FP is one of them. The sound bites I "hear" coming from all corners of the globe suggest to me that people are making the (in my opinion) wrong choice for the wrong reasons.

Ex-pat voters, living in Australia are voting Leave. "English people for English jobs!" they proclaim from Sydney or Melbourne, the hypocrisy obviously passing them by.

Some of the poorer areas of the UK are voting Leave, and they seem to be unaware that, for them, the future in the short to medium term could actually be a lot worse.

Seemingly many undecided voters, rather than abstaining, decided to vote Leave in a puff of logic that makes my little head hurt.

Anecdotal evidence from friends and acquaintances across the country (as well as a few news reports) are suggesting that quite a few Leave voters only did so "because we didn't actually think the Leave vote would win!"

Which leads me to a gut feeling that a lot of Leave votes were a protest vote against the government or even specifically the Conservative Party rather than a genuine interest to leave the EU. And perhaps they don't yet realise that the EU was keeping the Conservative Party in check to a certain extent.

Or, worse, that the Leave vote was a misunderstanding of what control the EU had over immigration and people used it to "complain" about foreigners coming over here, taking our jobs and our housing and increasing NHS waiting lists (which kinda goes back to the ex-pats as well).

Added to that, the baffling vote of Wales, who had arguably the most to lose as an entity with EU withdrawal and the same thing goes to Farmers, another group of people who benefitted largely from EU funding (though were also most vocal about EU restrictions).

World leaders, financial experts, political experts and many other people were encouraging us to remain. Yet, we took our ball and we went home in a huff. And that's how I see the Leave Campaign (not the voters, the actual campaign leaders). There didn't/doesn't seem to be a plan for what we do now we've left. I don't think they know, or even care. That's now the government's problem as far as they're concerned. The government of a country whose economic future, short-term, is screwed and whose international standing has certainly taken a bit of a beating. We might not stand alone, but I do not think our friendships are as strong as they were yesterday. The result yesterday means that the full-on privatisation of the NHS and the disappearance of the BBC as we currently know it have gone from being unthinkable to actual possibilities and, frankly, probable.

I work for a company who's only in the UK because of initial EU funding. I have friends and co-workers who are foreign nationals (from all over the world). And I can't help but feel pessimistic. I know there won't be any overnight change, that the big things are two years away, but I feel really disconnected with 52% of the population of my country.

But it's not the end of the world. That's what I... indeed, everyone who voted Remain (or is currently regretting their Leave vote), needs to remember.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Social Club.

Having missed the gathering I hosted at the start of the month, E was in contact last weekend. Due to family commitments, the only free time she had was a few hours on her penultimate day in the country. It's not ideal, but it's better than nothing and her family are quite demanding (partly the reason she missed the gathering).

We had a great few hours. We might not talk an awful lot - it's not just distance, it's the time difference mainly. It's something I need to work on - being more in contact. But, despite that, we hit the ground running and got through a good few topics in the limited time we had.

I also sent out a tentative email about another social gathering in a few weeks. I'm not going to be hosting this time, I'm suggesting a group night in the pub. It only took five minutes from sending the email to Sports Girl spending a text message. I think that's the first time she's initiated contact since starting to date GM. I had half-expected her to being giving me some kind of excuse about not being able to go to the gathering, but she was silent on that particular topic. She did however, suggest we all meet for a catch up as if I hadn't sent out an email suggesting exactly that not ten minutes earlier.

This morning I logged on to emails from FC and CH, both of whom were invited. Neither of them can make it. I wasn't expecting CH to make it with her family commitments, but in order to try and get back on track with her after last year's miscommunication. Her email was quite positive - she suggested meeting for coffee this week and we could then arrange something more social (i.e. the pub). I'm pleased about that.

The night out with KfW2 is still to be arranged. There's a slight chance that it could be this Sunday, if her other plans fall through and if not, then it could be another few weeks away. It's been a while since KfW2 and I had some time alone, so I am looking forward to it immensely.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Breaking a sweat/the same old story - cont'd

I've been out with CC for a few more walks. I want to be pushing her a little harder (and myself by association). I've taken to wearing my heart monitor while we walk to get a better indicator of my fitness etc. That, and my phone's fitness app seem to indicate that a 3 mile semi-brisk walk along our usual route burns about 500 calories in just over an hour.

We should be doing that slightly faster, but CC's princess qualities come out. The very sign of a shortness of breath due to exercise and the demands for a sit down come out. Apparently she's lost around 12 lbs due to her Weight Watchers thingy, but can't seem to shift any more.

My advice that some more rigorous exercise might kick it off is falling on deaf ears. She's happy enough to continue doing these walks at her own pace rather than gradually increase pace and distance. She might be in for a shock though, because another week or so of doing a walk every other day is going to give me the confidence to try something more demanding and convince me that my torn calf muscle has healed.

Strangely, I'm still speaking to the Tinder girl who's 150 km away. It's horrendously slow... I can't get a read on her at all. With her being 150 km away, I'm not expecting anything to come of it, but it'd be nice to chat, if it wasn't like pulling teeth.

I've "super liked" a few other women on Tinder with my usual results. Only one of them is not local... maybe. But she is an actress, albeit not that well known, and is listed in IMDB as well, so I don't know if she's genuinely single or using Tinder to promote herself. I've seen that happen before.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016


Supposedly, the event that Sports Girl was meant to be hosting was this coming weekend. But she's not mentioned it since she discussed it with me originally.

In fact, she's not said anything to me since that (and that was a conversation I started).

Ah well. Her loss. I suspect they've changed the date because of Euro 2016, but as they hadn't officially announced it, haven't bothered with updates.

In other news, I have an upcoming day out with KfW2 planned. We still have to nail down an exact date, but it'll be within ten days.

Oh, and for some reason that I don't understand a blast from the past PD appeared in my LinkedIn news feed today. I've seen her once or twice since our night class, but never spoke. I always thought it was quite weird - I helped her with the class and the coursework (it was technical) and somehow she managed to score higher than me, even though it was my job. I saw her coursework - it was good enough to pass and score reasonably well, but it was nowhere near as good as mine.

I'd hoped that we'd meet once the results were published and grab a coffee or a drink and I could figure out if she were single, but despite numerous promises, she went quiet.

Thursday, June 09, 2016

Breaking a sweat.

A few hours ago, I went on a walk with CC. CC has often complained about wanting to lose weight but seems to be almost afraid of exercise. I've seen CC in a bikini. In my opinion, CC just needs to tone up a little. She has a great figure and is not carrying obvious extra weight. She's a tall girl with a good figure for her height.

Regardless, CC has been on Weight Watchers or something similar since the start of the year and she seems to have lost  bit of weight. I say "seems" - it's not because I am being rude or the weight loss is insignificant, it's more that the clothes she wears in work are not flattering to her figure.

I know that every now and again, she goes out for walks. Today was one of those days. She asked me, over IM, did I want to join her. It's not the first time she's asked and I usually say yes. The weather was nice and I always like an excuse to get out of the house.

We met on the main road, just round the corner from my house and she looked good. Her walking attire was all Lycra and clingy and she definitely seemed to have lost some weight and looked good for it.

It wasn't a far walk - all told about 3 miles at a moderate pace - but it kinda reminded me that I wanted to get something done. I am extremely unfit if the walk and my heart rate monitor is anything to go by. When I returned, I logged the information into my fitness tracker and stepped on the scales.

My weight has returned to the pre-yoga weight of a couple of years ago. I was half-expecting it to be much higher, so while I am heavier than I'd like, it could be much worse. Still, if I am being honest, I had been putting off standing on the scales for that exact reason.

I'm feeling the walk in my legs now, but it's that good tired/sore feeling after exercise. It's too late to be "beach ready" for this summer, but it's never too late to start. As usual, I can't throw myself into this... small steps will make me stick to it better. Some further walking to get into a routine (and build up some strength in my legs from  my last injury) then onto the yoga again and see where else I can go. Perhaps some football again... or some running.

Once that's kicked into gear, then it's time to pay attention to the diet again. I managed to lose nearly a stone by making small tweaks to my diet and NOT giving up beer, so let's see if we can go a little further this time as well. I expect to go further. This time, I live in my own place. I don't need to worry about a shared fridge or hogging time in the kitchen. I can take my time making what I need and storing it without worrying about flatmates.

As an aside, when I looked at my walking route recorded by my GPS, I noticed that had I walked half as far again, I'd have been close to CAB's parent's house. That caused a few wistful memories.

Tuesday, June 07, 2016

The same old story.

About a month or so ago, I installed a few dating apps on my phone. I'd already had Tinder, but alongside that, I've installed (after recommendations) Badoo, Bumble and Happn. It's hard to describe exactly what Badoo is. Bumble is like Tinder, though if there is a match, the female has to initiate contact and Happn is a location-based app that tells you who you've passed in the street and enables you to make contact that way.

I've been having a text chat with a woman I matched with on Tinder. She seems nice, but it's hard getting a conversation out of her. What I have done in the past is, after a few messages/a couple of days, arranged to meet. Looking at pictures and profiles is all well and good, but it's the chemistry that's important.

But the conversation is so difficult, that it's not been going anywhere. I also discovered, just this morning, that she's not local either. She lives about 150 km away. At some point, she must have been close to me (my Tinder settings are around the 50 km mark), but by the time we started chatting, she was home.

She's not the only one (though the only one I've initiated a conversation with). I've spotted several pretty/interesting women recently and tried to initiate contact, only to (eventually) discover that they're only in my neighbourhood for a girly weekend away/business.

You have to laugh, really. However, it raises another point. I've been pretty active on all four apps and I've only managed to start one conversation. It's the same old story - hundreds of swipes, prods, charms, likes and super likes and one conversation.

Onwards and upwards.

My first hosted social event is over. I think everyone enjoyed themselves and while I would do some things slightly differently, I'm pleased with my first effort. Not everything went according to plan. Neither E nor Sports Girl turned up. Sports Girl's attendance was always in doubt, but with a few days to go, it looked that she would turn up - asking specific questions about start times etc. I inferred from that that she'd be showing up, even though GM had said he couldn't make it. GM had family things on and given my tendency to take things more literally than sometimes people meant, I literally thought it would be his immediate family. Maybe, I reasoned, SG might show some self-awareness and give GM some space. I was wrong.

E's excuse was baby-sitting related. Someone in her family had dropped their own kids off at E's mother's house which meant she would have been babysitting three infants. E decided that this was too much for her mother on her own and stayed in. Sadly, she forgot to text me, so it took me texting her to find all of this out.

Communication is my bugbear. Is it rude not to reply back to an invite to a social gathering? I think so. I had to chase FP and my sister for a reply. GM eventually replied, two days before the event after all the shopping and planning had been done. CH eventually replied, a week before the event. SG didn't reply per se, but asked about start times yet never appeared.

CH, to her credit, sent a text earlier asking how the event went. FC apologised (again) for not being able to make it (though, he had said this all along). SG has been silent in the interim. Despite gushing in the past about how much she loves us and is thankful that we accepted her into our circle of friends, it seems that as soon as her and GM became an item, she's withdrawn. Mainly from me too from what I can tell. FC and S aren't as close to her as I was.

Well, if that's how it is, then that's how it is. I have another thing to arrange in about 4 weeks time and an impending afternoon out with KfW2, dates tbc.

Wednesday, June 01, 2016


Sports Girl continues to be quiet. She'll chat when I engage her, but conversations will die off quicker than they have in the past where we could be talking for days on end. This can only be a result of  her becoming an item with GM. In addition, neither her nor GM have said anything about the upcoming social gathering at my place this coming weekend. In a surprise twist, CH actually got in touch to say she couldn't make it because of a conflicting family event. I'm disappointed but in all honesty, I didn't really expect CH to attend (though her presence would have been a bonus).

KfW2 has been looking forward to it for weeks, ever since I first sent the invite out. E is coming along as well, and I'm looking forward to her meeting KfW2 and my sister. Unbelievably, having known E for 16 years, she's yet to meet my sister (though she has met other friends of mine). There are hopefully about a dozen people showing up which is plenty for my first real event at my new place. I'm stressed enough as it is with hosting an evening.

In other news, and ignoring the fact I'm seeing KfW2 this weekend, we're due to meet later this month for an afternoon of lunch and day time drinking in a mini pub crawl kinda thing. We just need to nail down a date - her for babysitting and me for a half day off work.

Giveth and taketh.

While this weekend with KfW2 is a washout, another socialising opportunity has arisen:  a work thing, potentially with Quiet Girl, Stalky Gu...