Wednesday, February 03, 2016

Figure it out.

Sports Girl and I have been communicating on an almost daily basis, but I still can't get a read on her. At times, she appears to be friendly, but platonic and at others, I feel that there's something more in play that I can't put my finger on.

Like a random invitation to dinner at hers. Or her sharing a Facebook event that I'm attending soon, despite her not knowing who the people at the event are nor any of my friends who are going. Oh, and I think she has plans for the same night.

To me, that says that there's something else in play.

I've said it before and I'll probably say it again in the future, but she is good company and she is a good friend.  Her emotional side/empathy really reminds me of KfW2. Regardless of how things turn out, I'm not going to lose out.

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