Monday, February 22, 2016

General ramblings.

It's going to be a week of ups and downs. I have a meeting with a manager in work to talk about my current unhappiness with my performance scores. As indicated in my last post, I'm expecting a brick wall and no kind of flexibility and, as a result of that, a lot of anger on my part.

I guess, what I should at least hope for is a solid plan going forward, but I'm not sure that even that will be forthcoming.

However, on the plus side, KfW2 is coming to visit on Wednesday night for drinks, snacks and chat. I'm looking forward to it a lot - it's been a long time since it was just the two of us sitting down for a beer and a chat together.

Potentially at the weekend, I might actually get Sports Girl to my house. She actually volunteered to help me with some decorating and suggested that she could get paid in beer and pizza. The downside is that she will probably expect GM to come along. Oh, and the fact that I don't really want any help decorating. I want to do it myself.

Any ideas of getting something physical going with SG have been shelved - she's shown no sign of it being an option and a recent Whatsapp chat with her about a guy she dated last year resulted in her being offended that he wanted to take her to his hotel room and sleep with her. No, I don't understand it either.

I'd like the opportunity to get her alone to have a chat though - the stuff we cover when out with the gang just doesn't cut it.

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Giveth and taketh.

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