Sunday, February 08, 2015

Sunday afternoon blues.

The downside of having a really good night out as a tonic for an ongoing funk is that, sooner or later, you come back down to earth. Part of me feels incredibly lonely today - not in terms of being single, but in general. I'm guessing that part of that is recovering from a rather nasty head cold that's been annoying me all week long. I had the opportunity to go out with S last night, but apathy got in the way, plus I wanted to stay indoors and recover.

I could go up to my sister's today, but the apathy/wanting to recover thing is still in effect... the head cold is going away, but I want rid of it before work tomorrow. It looks like chilling out and plenty of liquids again for me today.

And online dating is going very slowly. As I've posted about earlier, there's not a lot on to excite me. I've yet to set up profiles on the other sites due to the head cold/apathy combo (illness always makes me lazy). It hasn't stopped me thinking about what I want though, what I'm looking for in a woman. It's kinda based off a comment that GM made a few years ago when he said he saw me with someone who was a combo of CH and KfW2.

That, IMO, is close. Ideally, I'm looking for someone who grabs my attention as much as CB, who I'm sexually attracted to as much as CH and who has a personality like KfW2. Looks-wise, a combination of all three (though KfW2 and CB are stunning compared to CH's general "good looking"), KfW2's height and CH/KfW2's curves (CB is thin).

That's not too much to ask for, is it?

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