Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Here we go.

Tomorrow is pretty much make or break in my friendship with CH. We've agreed to meet for coffee, but we're only able to do so because a previous engagement of CH's hadn't confirmed with her.

I'm still unconvinced that she won't cry off at some stage and that's only part of the issues I have with her. Despite having second thoughts myself this week about my concerns with CH, there are problems I want to address:

  • She frequently cancels agreed social events.
  • Afternoon coffee is always done on her terms and even if I say I'm free from 3PM (for example), I often return to my desk after a meeting at 2:55 to find she's left ten minutes earlier.
  • She's not initiated conversation with me in months unless she wants something.
  • She's been very quiet since Xmas.
  • Even a birthday drink she wanted to buy me was done on her terms (because she refused to come out with everyone else).
  • The few times I've tried to talk to her about serious stuff, she avoids the topic/ends the conversation/ignores it.
I'm not planning on tackling these issues individually, but rather address them all in one bunch - that I'm putting more into this than she is, that I often feel like an afterthought and that I think enough of her as my friend for it to be a problem.

Let's see what tomorrow brings.

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