My head's pounding. I might have over-indulged it a little more than usual last night both in terms of booze and cigarettes (I'm blaming the ciggies more for the pounding head than the booze, to be honest) with D and FBS and the others.
I've mentioned in the past that FBS and I hooked up briefly, if that's the correct term - there was a period of a couple of months where we would get physical to varying degrees. I walked off because I thought at the time that she wanted something more than just a bit of horizontal dancing and, according to QC2, I was right. But we never went back and despite a bit of distance between us (we were never actually that close in the first place), have remained in limbo between being friends and acquaintances.
Only once did we come close to hooking up again - on FBS's "farewell" night out before she left to go around the world for a year. She was giving off definite signals of wanting something, but I was, in my head, still dating FA2 at this time and left the pub before she turned the signals into something more direct. That was probably about ten years ago.
Last night, FBS turned up wearing a shirt that was unbuttoned, showing off a fair bit of cleavage. She always did have great tits and I had a really hard time not staring. Now, I know that I was drunk, but I got the feeling that she was sending me signals again last night. Perhaps I was imagining it - after all she is married - but it is interesting that she was a lot more tactile than usual, we spoke more directly to each other than we usually do on our nights out and the body language suggested it too.
That hasn't helped my mood - I've had the horn something shocking over the past fortnight or so, so I awoke this morning needing what FA2 always referred to as "The Cure" which, to put it bluntly is a bloody good fuck. Nothing like an orgasm to clear the headaches away. Of course, once she mentioned this, she was no longer able to use the age-old "headache" excuse. Heh.
Oh, FBS caught me staring at her tits loads of times. *wink*
Me, talking about the things that I find interesting or general stuff that's going on in my life.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Yesterday, in two separate events, I bumped into two new neighbours. One was a tall, thin, attractive brunette and one was a shorter, bustier, blonde girl. Arguably, the first totty I've seen here since we move in ages ago. I exchanged small talk with them both and we went our ways when the lift arrived at our respective floors.
Today, MfW tells me that the shorter, blonde one has invited us to a housewarming party this coming weekend. Under normal circumstances, I'd be very interested. Attractive women as neighbours having a party? Yes please!
Unfortunately, I'm double booked - it's my infrequent night out with D, FBS and a few others. What a crock!
I have a big night out in the pub arranged for a few weeks time and there are quite a few people turning up. Sadly, MM won't be there - she's arranged a night out with some girly chums. If MM is not there, then MMBF will definitely not be there, which is a damned shame. Actually, that's incorrect.. there is a slight possibility that she could turn up with QC2 (who's also invited), but that's a long shot at best.
While I'm going to have a good night regardless with plenty of people in attendance, having MMBF there to perv at and even make a vague attempt to pull would give me something to really get excited about.
While I'm going to have a good night regardless with plenty of people in attendance, having MMBF there to perv at and even make a vague attempt to pull would give me something to really get excited about.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Sometimes, Facebook can have its uses. When I was a member of many years ago, there was a girl who really piqued my interest, when I was talking to DSC about her, I referred to her as CB as she was a Cute Brunette. Based on the limited profile and beyond the obvious physical stuff, she ticked a lot of boxes - funny, dry, able to laugh at herself, intelligent etc.
So why mention this now? Well, pottering through Facebook this afternoon, I was viewing CH's profile. I've mentioned CH before - we've only known each other for about 18 months, but I appears to have made quite the impression with her and her friends. She's married with kids, so it's not that kind of impression, but it didn't stop her two friends from going all girly and giggling behind their hands and pretend-gossiping each time CH and I stopped for a chat.
I got involved in a chat with one of the friends recently and as a result of going to her profile, I saw that she had befriended CB on Facebook. I wonder if I can use this to my advantage to engineer a meeting? I'm always being told to be more proactive with respect to meeting women and I have mentioned that I am concerned that it's been a while since a woman really interested me (RB, in case you're wondering thougth maybe MMBF more recently), but before that, CB was someone that I did want to meet.
So why mention this now? Well, pottering through Facebook this afternoon, I was viewing CH's profile. I've mentioned CH before - we've only known each other for about 18 months, but I appears to have made quite the impression with her and her friends. She's married with kids, so it's not that kind of impression, but it didn't stop her two friends from going all girly and giggling behind their hands and pretend-gossiping each time CH and I stopped for a chat.
I got involved in a chat with one of the friends recently and as a result of going to her profile, I saw that she had befriended CB on Facebook. I wonder if I can use this to my advantage to engineer a meeting? I'm always being told to be more proactive with respect to meeting women and I have mentioned that I am concerned that it's been a while since a woman really interested me (RB, in case you're wondering thougth maybe MMBF more recently), but before that, CB was someone that I did want to meet.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Sunday Blues Update 2
I am renowned in my older circle of friends (from around my school days) for not liking a particular variety of beer, so it's not going to be hard to guess what MfW bought to replace the crate that he and his pals drank last weekend.
EDIT: A quick Google suggests that nothing is really out there so far, so it might be something that would be worth pursuing.
Yup, you guessed it.
This has annoyed me for a few reasons:
- I should have told him that I don't like it. I knew from this morning that the beer that was in the kitchen is not my favourite, but I was holding out hope that it wasn't for me. I can't decide if I am being poor at just saying that it's not a decent replacement or if I am doing the right thing by accepting the "replacement" and drawing a line under the whole incident.
- The beer really should have been exactly what was taken, not some random choice based on MfW's thought processes. That's the whole point of replacing it - it's bloke etiquette. If he couldn't find the beer and spirits he'd taken (which is hard because they're both available at Tesco), then he should have asked what I want as a replacement.
- None of the stuff should have been taken in the first place, really.
EDIT: A quick Google suggests that nothing is really out there so far, so it might be something that would be worth pursuing.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Sunday Blues Update
MfW has offered (without prompting) to replace all the booze he and his friends drank on Saturday night. I said that that would be great and left it at that. I should have also said that I didn't think it was on that it was taken in the first place seeing as both the bottle and box were unopened, but I was just glad that the replacement was sorted without any drama and just accepted it.
Sometimes, I'm just useless with people. Sometimes, I'm brilliant. It was definitely the former tonight. Meh.
Sometimes, I'm just useless with people. Sometimes, I'm brilliant. It was definitely the former tonight. Meh.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Sunday blues?
So the other two lads went out last night, to meet up with a group of UF's friends. As they were ending the night in a nightclub literally five minutes walk away, I guess it's no surprise that they ended up bring a group of girls back here.
It's part of sharing a house that you have to overlook these things if they don't happen often, so even though I lost nearly three hours sleep due to various shouting/door slamming going on (there wasn't a fight or anything, just the normal raised voices that people seem to adopt when they've come out of the pub and we live in rented accommodation, so the doors are all auto-closing fire doors that create a fair noise if left to close on their own - which they always are in UF's case).
What has pissed me off today is that a crate of beer that I had earmarked for taking to my brother-in-law's house today has been completely drunk. It's not the first time this has happened - MfW has opened a crate of mine before because he had none of his own. I didn't say anything then as it was the first time, but I will have to say something today.
This is on top of the continuing saga of UF - while he pays his rent and all that stuff, he essentially treats this place like a hotel. He only cleans up after himself, he has, if we're lucky, bought one packet of toilet roll in the time we've been in the house. The majority of the actual housework is done by myself and to a lesser extent, MfW. Even then, I'm not sure that MfW grasps what a bit of housework can do. While I'm in no way the most anal person in the world when it comes to tidyness/cleanliness (housewise) there are times when I would be embarrassed to bring people (girls) home when all it takes is an hour a week to run a mop/brush/cloth over everything.
Sometimes, when I'm not being pro-active about the housework, it's blatantly obvious that three guys share this house. While we're not complete Neanderthals, it's obvious that the place could do with a more regular cleaning/dusting and seeing as I do give the place a clean every fortnight or so, I'm guessing that MfW and UF aren't pulling their weight.
In fact, I know that UF is not pulling his weight as he only lives here Monday to Friday and pisses off for the weekend and he certainly doesn't lift a mop or duster during weeknights.
However, I've left it this long. Is it to late to actually bring up the cleaning/housework thing? I think I should have done this months ago. Or maybe this is just bugging me because I wanted/needed a good night's sleep last night after being out the two previous nights and that got ruined.
It's part of sharing a house that you have to overlook these things if they don't happen often, so even though I lost nearly three hours sleep due to various shouting/door slamming going on (there wasn't a fight or anything, just the normal raised voices that people seem to adopt when they've come out of the pub and we live in rented accommodation, so the doors are all auto-closing fire doors that create a fair noise if left to close on their own - which they always are in UF's case).
What has pissed me off today is that a crate of beer that I had earmarked for taking to my brother-in-law's house today has been completely drunk. It's not the first time this has happened - MfW has opened a crate of mine before because he had none of his own. I didn't say anything then as it was the first time, but I will have to say something today.
This is on top of the continuing saga of UF - while he pays his rent and all that stuff, he essentially treats this place like a hotel. He only cleans up after himself, he has, if we're lucky, bought one packet of toilet roll in the time we've been in the house. The majority of the actual housework is done by myself and to a lesser extent, MfW. Even then, I'm not sure that MfW grasps what a bit of housework can do. While I'm in no way the most anal person in the world when it comes to tidyness/cleanliness (housewise) there are times when I would be embarrassed to bring people (girls) home when all it takes is an hour a week to run a mop/brush/cloth over everything.
Sometimes, when I'm not being pro-active about the housework, it's blatantly obvious that three guys share this house. While we're not complete Neanderthals, it's obvious that the place could do with a more regular cleaning/dusting and seeing as I do give the place a clean every fortnight or so, I'm guessing that MfW and UF aren't pulling their weight.
In fact, I know that UF is not pulling his weight as he only lives here Monday to Friday and pisses off for the weekend and he certainly doesn't lift a mop or duster during weeknights.
However, I've left it this long. Is it to late to actually bring up the cleaning/housework thing? I think I should have done this months ago. Or maybe this is just bugging me because I wanted/needed a good night's sleep last night after being out the two previous nights and that got ruined.
Monday, June 11, 2012
Happy talking.
I've been in a very good mood recently, mainly inspired by a potentially troublesome work meeting/project going really well. That mood carried into the weekend where I didn't really do anything for most of it, but I did manage to head out on an all-day session with KfW2 and a few friends. It was really good fun. It always is when KfW2 and I get together outside of work, but with her own family commitments, it just never happens as often as it should.
I think it's fair to say that my friendship with KfW2 is well and truly cemented now. I dunno why I'm still surprised that we became friends, after all, I have a huge opinion of me as a friend, so for her to decide to be mine based on that shouldn't be a shocking event. If I stopped over-analysing things, maybe I'd get a lot more done.
I've got a few things to look forward to later this week, too, starting on Thursday and perhaps following on through to the end of the weekend. If the weather were to stay dry, then that would be a bonus.
I think it's fair to say that my friendship with KfW2 is well and truly cemented now. I dunno why I'm still surprised that we became friends, after all, I have a huge opinion of me as a friend, so for her to decide to be mine based on that shouldn't be a shocking event. If I stopped over-analysing things, maybe I'd get a lot more done.
I've got a few things to look forward to later this week, too, starting on Thursday and perhaps following on through to the end of the weekend. If the weather were to stay dry, then that would be a bonus.
Friday, June 08, 2012
Ooh la la! (I've figured it out.)
I finally figured it out. Julia Deitze (in the Iron Sky film) looks really like my old personal trainer, GC. I can't find any of these shots online from the film, but trust me, she does.
Nothing else to say really, but remind myself to get off my fat ass and some exercise.
Nothing else to say really, but remind myself to get off my fat ass and some exercise.
Sunday, June 03, 2012
Ooh la la!
This is Julia Dietze, from the comedy Nazis-on-the-moon film, Iron Sky. Isn't she fantastic?
She reminds me of someone, but I can't put my finger on it. I don't know if it's someone famous or someone I know, but there are other pictures out there where she has a look that I just can't place my finger on.
She reminds me of someone, but I can't put my finger on it. I don't know if it's someone famous or someone I know, but there are other pictures out there where she has a look that I just can't place my finger on.
I think my body is giving up on me...
Following on from my last post, with the good weather kicking in and getting out on the bike a few times, I was planning on using that to kick start a fitness programme. I'd looked at a few things online so that I could do a bit here in the apartment, the plan was to hit the gym as well plus get out on the bike. The more varied I could make it, the more chance I would have of sticking to it and getting a routine going.
And then I woke up on Monday morning with a sore neck. Not stiff, as if I'd slept on it funny, but actually sore. I couldn't move it an awful lot and all of this week, I've been in pain, despite necking painkillers like M&Ms, using anti-inflammatories, heat rubs, water bottles etc. Even now, a full week later, it's still there and seemingly no better, and depending on which way I move my head, the pain can be at the top of the neck all the way down to right between the shoulder blades.
This has happened a few times over the past few years - when I am in a position to get some exercise, I get injured or something and the notion passes me by so that when I heal, I no longer have the motivation.
Not this year - I have a complete drawer full of summer clothes that I've bought over the past two years that I've worn once. So I'm determined that I'm going to get full use of them this time around and that means losing some weight.
Actual figures don't concern me that much - I'm much more a believer in being happy with your body than worrying about actual figures on the scales or the size of my jeans, but I'm going to need to step on them at some point if only to see how difficult my task is going to be. I'm guessing the ballpark figure will be two stone.
Is it possible to lose two stone in two months?
And then I woke up on Monday morning with a sore neck. Not stiff, as if I'd slept on it funny, but actually sore. I couldn't move it an awful lot and all of this week, I've been in pain, despite necking painkillers like M&Ms, using anti-inflammatories, heat rubs, water bottles etc. Even now, a full week later, it's still there and seemingly no better, and depending on which way I move my head, the pain can be at the top of the neck all the way down to right between the shoulder blades.
This has happened a few times over the past few years - when I am in a position to get some exercise, I get injured or something and the notion passes me by so that when I heal, I no longer have the motivation.
Not this year - I have a complete drawer full of summer clothes that I've bought over the past two years that I've worn once. So I'm determined that I'm going to get full use of them this time around and that means losing some weight.
Actual figures don't concern me that much - I'm much more a believer in being happy with your body than worrying about actual figures on the scales or the size of my jeans, but I'm going to need to step on them at some point if only to see how difficult my task is going to be. I'm guessing the ballpark figure will be two stone.
Is it possible to lose two stone in two months?
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