Me, talking about the things that I find interesting or general stuff that's going on in my life.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Good 'n' Bad.
It appears that if you're a woman in my life, things are happening - good and bad. KfW2's grandmother died yesterday, and she's understandably extremely upset. I think DSC got dumped today by her (now ex) boyfriend for supposedly being a mentalist (his opinion) but all she wanted was for him to grow and for the relationship to move forward. As a bloke, I don't think this is an unreasonable request (and FA2 nearly dumped me several times for not growing up and moving our relationship forward, or so she admitted much later). I'm still trying to get information out of her, but that's the impression I'm getting from the little she's said so far.
On the positive side, M's fiance is getting married next week, a friend CH (I think I've mentioned her before, but she'll probably get more mentions, so she gets a code name) has had her 12 week scan today and is overjoyed and another friend 's wife has announced she's pregnant too.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Socialising digest.
DSC mentioned tonight that it's unlikely she'll be out until after Xmas. I suspect that means in terms of meeting for lunch and big weekend nights out. I hope that doesn't mean the end of meeting for a quiet drink and talking rubbish. For my sake, I like the getting out bit and for her sake, she needs an outlet if she's going to continue dating this idiot she's currently with.
I've also started arranging a night out with FBS, D etc for around the start of November. We haven't seen each other at all this year. I think the last time we were all out was FBS's wedding about this time last year, so it'll be good to catch up and have a bit of a laugh.
I'm due a night out with KfW2 as well. It was meant to be this week, but she's at a wedding, so it'll be the end of next month. I'm looking forward to that - she's good company and we have good chemistry and adding alcohol makes things funner. I know that's not a real word, but it's true.
The last thing in the pipeline at the moment is M's wedding in a few week's time. I think I might be pinning too much on hooking up with M's fiancé's cute brunette friend (MMBF) or the stunning blonde one (SBF) at the moment. I have a slight suspicion, right now, that the brunette is a little bit interested. Or else I'm mis-reading stuff again. The blonde one is a bit of a pipe dream. I'm not a believer of attractive women being out of my league because I believe that personality is much more important and it's that which makes me feel she's out of my league, even though I think the blonde is stunning and sexy. We get on well together, she's intelligent and there's a little tiny bit of chemistry, but it's the fact she's so friendly and personable that, well, intimidates me a little. However going back to the brunette... am I interested in her or is this a case of being interested because she's cute and single? In all honesty, I think I need to get to know her better before I can say for certain.
I've also started arranging a night out with FBS, D etc for around the start of November. We haven't seen each other at all this year. I think the last time we were all out was FBS's wedding about this time last year, so it'll be good to catch up and have a bit of a laugh.
I'm due a night out with KfW2 as well. It was meant to be this week, but she's at a wedding, so it'll be the end of next month. I'm looking forward to that - she's good company and we have good chemistry and adding alcohol makes things funner. I know that's not a real word, but it's true.
The last thing in the pipeline at the moment is M's wedding in a few week's time. I think I might be pinning too much on hooking up with M's fiancé's cute brunette friend (MMBF) or the stunning blonde one (SBF) at the moment. I have a slight suspicion, right now, that the brunette is a little bit interested. Or else I'm mis-reading stuff again. The blonde one is a bit of a pipe dream. I'm not a believer of attractive women being out of my league because I believe that personality is much more important and it's that which makes me feel she's out of my league, even though I think the blonde is stunning and sexy. We get on well together, she's intelligent and there's a little tiny bit of chemistry, but it's the fact she's so friendly and personable that, well, intimidates me a little. However going back to the brunette... am I interested in her or is this a case of being interested because she's cute and single? In all honesty, I think I need to get to know her better before I can say for certain.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Blast from the Past
I've just seen a few pictures on Facebook of a girl I used to go to primary school with. I fancied her then and it seems I probably still do now! Still, she wasn't the one I really fancied back in the day... pity she's not on Facebook though.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
I've just fired up Skype for the first time in months, hoping to see E online for a chat only to find a friend request from FA2 from only 2 days ago. The woman who already has about a dozen different contact methods/numbers/addresses and uses none of them. Hmmm...
Thursday, September 22, 2011
To Arthur!
For some, it's an excuse to go out on the lash, for others, it's a global corporation flexing its muscles for something that will pay dividends in the future but for me, it's time spent with friends. Which I do a lot anyway... in the pub.
Tonight though, I wasn't in the mood. I've had a splitting headache for the best past of four days (no doubt fallout from the stag weekend), work's not busy, so I've been filling time, but at the last minute, I had a change of heart and went out. This was probably about half eight, so about three hours after I should have been in the pub. When I did finally pitch in, I was introduced to another couple of MF's friends... two sisters. One's married, but the other is 90% up my street: tall, slim, brunette, great smile. It was weird though. I spent most of the night chatting to my work chum (not MF, someone else) and ignoring the other three, but when our conversations did cross, they were good fun. I'd like to meet this girl again. From a physical perspective, I'd like to do a lot more, but for now, getting another night with chat would be great fun.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Party time.
In a few weeks time I'm going to be doing something I've rarely done in the past... I'm going to stay over in the hotel at a wedding. M's wedding, in fact. This will be the first time I've stayed in a hotel locally though. Usually, I've just gotten a taxi home at the end of the night.
If the stag weekend is anything to go by, then it should be really good fun, and if M's fiancé's friends are anything to go by, then there should be plenty of eye candy on offer. I've mentioned a blonde girl before and a brunette girl within the past few months on the blog, both of whom are extremely attractive (the blonde I'd probably go so far as "stunning"). And without any hard evidence, I have a sneaking suspicion that there might be some match-making going on at the wedding (with the aforementioned brunette), so I'm keeping the fiancé sweet.
So, I'm hoping that having a room at the wedding will mean that I'm a little more pro-active in chatting to more people (i.e. single females), plus know the bride and groom, this will be an extremely social wedding, so I'm expecting lots of people to be staying over and for the party to go on very late. M has also said that there's probably going to be a second night out, the day after the wedding, so any groundwork laid on the actual wedding day can be followed up.
I'm actually really looking forward to this, as a social thing, in addition to M getting married.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Over the past few months, I've (re)connected with people I knew from school - primary and secondary. In particular, there are two girls who were, respectively (and in my own opinion, of course) the best looking girl at each. Time, it's fair to say, has been good to them. Both of them, though, post far too much on Facebook (in my opinion, again) about their church-going exploits.
Church going etc. is close to being a deal breaker with me. However, it does remind me that there's another girl from primary school I'd love to meet for a coffee - small, brunette, dark eyes, pixie-like features. She was the one I fancied in primary school and beyond. I haven't seen her in about ten years though.
I also knew another girl from a place I worked at around 8 years ago and she was weird too. I don't think I've seen a girl hungrier for cock than this girl. By the time I met her, she'd already been married at 18 and that had fallen apart - the rumours were that she was playing away from home because her then husband didn't give her enough in the sack.
During the brief six months that I worked with her, she had spent an entire night in the disabled toilets in a bar on a team night out doing something with one of the blokes from the office, on another team night out, she spent the entire night trying it on with me. I did...eventually. All the while, there were "stories" from her, about people she had met at the weekends. It didn't take a lot of reading between the lines to realise that if a bloke paid her the slightest bit of attention, he pretty much got his leg over, if he wanted (and she was cute enough).
Fast forward a year and I met her in my local at the time and she's six months pregnant to some randommer. Again, she's another girl who has found religion and who peppers her Facebook posts with religious activities, quotes and the like. And while this has nothing to do with cute girls that I knew from school - UF sounds like he's shagging his girlfriend next door.
Church going etc. is close to being a deal breaker with me. However, it does remind me that there's another girl from primary school I'd love to meet for a coffee - small, brunette, dark eyes, pixie-like features. She was the one I fancied in primary school and beyond. I haven't seen her in about ten years though.
I also knew another girl from a place I worked at around 8 years ago and she was weird too. I don't think I've seen a girl hungrier for cock than this girl. By the time I met her, she'd already been married at 18 and that had fallen apart - the rumours were that she was playing away from home because her then husband didn't give her enough in the sack.
During the brief six months that I worked with her, she had spent an entire night in the disabled toilets in a bar on a team night out doing something with one of the blokes from the office, on another team night out, she spent the entire night trying it on with me. I did...eventually. All the while, there were "stories" from her, about people she had met at the weekends. It didn't take a lot of reading between the lines to realise that if a bloke paid her the slightest bit of attention, he pretty much got his leg over, if he wanted (and she was cute enough).
Fast forward a year and I met her in my local at the time and she's six months pregnant to some randommer. Again, she's another girl who has found religion and who peppers her Facebook posts with religious activities, quotes and the like. And while this has nothing to do with cute girls that I knew from school - UF sounds like he's shagging his girlfriend next door.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Addendum to the last post.
I found out today that AM sent an email to my work address, crying off the party at 8PM on a Friday night as they couldn't get a baby-sitter in. If she hadn't done me a huge favour a few weeks ago with regards my new place, I think this would be where I cut the strings and forget about her... and QC1 to a certain extent. The inability of QC1 to do anything remotely important without AM is unbelievable. Lunch yeah, no problem. She'll be there. turn up to a party with my friends in attendance? Not in 20 years of knowing her. Go figure.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
For the first time, in a long time, I hosted a party at my new place. It was a semi-housewarming and I wanted to get people round to see it because a lot of people were interested in seeing it, what with it being a prime, city centre apartment (I hesitate to say 'penthouse' apartment, but it's not far off it). It was a decent enough gathering - about 15 people showed up, but I would have liked a few more. QC1 cried off at 6PM, which meant that I inevitably wouldn't see AM (and true to form, AM and her husband never showed up), but the absentees that really annoyed me were my sister and brother-in-law. No replies to emails and a no show (from lots of people, but these two were ones I really wanted to attend). DSC says I'm being stroppy, and I probably am, but I think it's polite to reply to invites, especially if you're not going to be able to make it.
Saying that, those that were there enjoyed themselves, so I might actually consider having another one soon.
Wednesday, September 07, 2011
"You are an idiot"
Once again, I volunteered to nip off to talk to school kids about careers. The cute, familiar girl was there again and this time, I did get to speak to her and there was lots of banter swapped. Flirting? A little. Was it reciprocated? I think so.
Back in the office, I was chatting to KfW2 and the topic of this girl came up. KfW2 suggested that today was a perfect opportunity to ask for a phone number. I had to explain that I have a history of not seizing these opportunities when they arise, so she has now decided that I am an idiot AND the next time we go out, probably towards the end of the month, that she's going to give me exercises to do i.e. go talk to people in the pub etc. That sounds like a laugh. I'll have a bash at that! if I'm in the right mood, approaching people isn't an issue, but as regular readers and friends will know, I have this awful ability to not turn flirty chatting into phone numbers and hookups.
Tuesday, September 06, 2011
Familiar looking faces.
I've just spent a few hours with SSCW, telling kids about careers. Since SSCW returned after having her baby, I haven't had a lot of time to sit and chat with her - different departments etc. these days. We were at one of the local universities and there was a girl there, semi-related to what we were doing. She was cute, great arse, nice smile and was very familiar. looking. I have no idea where I've seen her. The pub? Some work-related thing? Dating websites? I have no idea. I wasn't talking to her, so I couldn't ask any questions, but I don't recognise her name (she was wearing a name badge), though I have definitely seen her somewhere before. I'm due to do the same thing for the rest of the week, so I hope I'll get a chance to talk to her before Friday.
Friday, September 02, 2011
Blogging on the move
I've just downloaded a blogging app for my iPhone so I'll now be able to log on the move. Whether or not that's going to mean an increase in posts or a general upturn in how interesting this blog is, we'll have to see. I know that, in the past, I've thought about something to report here during the day and then forgotten about or apathy set in. To be honest though, they are few and far between.
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Giveth and taketh.
While this weekend with KfW2 is a washout, another socialising opportunity has arisen: a work thing, potentially with Quiet Girl, Stalky Gu...
Following on from this post I've got my hands on this year's first shortlist for the High Street Honeys award. How will the ladies ...
Today, I decided that it's been far too long since I've seen QC2, so I sent a text message in the hope that she'll reply soon. E...