Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Eventually, FA2 got back to me again on the same comment thread as her previous questions about Kiwi Girl, but this time, she never mentioned her. She asked a question about if I'd done something on Facebook. The answer was in the negative, of course. I told FA2 that Facebook was just a means to an end to get contact details from people that I'd lost contact with and that eventually, I planned to give Facebook up completely.

She knows all this, or could guess. My opinions and points of view on how frequently my friends get in contact should be well known to FA2. That she chooses to forget or ignore them and then put her foot in it is her problem, not mine. It is weird that she won't simply tell me who told her about Kiwi Girl. The whole Kiwi Girl thing is not a big secret, but damnit, why should FA2 just bounce in to my life after a few years of non-contact and start making demands on information about my personal life? Giving up a name would have been a small price to pay, you would have thought. Apparently not.

On the subject of contact and Facebook, I notice that V added another friend yesterday. Thanks to Facebook's rather weird notification system, that titbit of information was a lot more prominent than the fact an old school friend (well, acquaintance really) accepted my friendship request and added me to her list of friends. It's disappointing, nut I was planning on contacting V using non-Facebook methods anyway. It's just a matter of writing the email and getting the tone right.

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Facebook tells me it's K's birthday today, so Happy Birthday, K. Shame you were bonkers, and a recent re-reading of some MSN convers...