Monday, January 22, 2007

2007, the year so far.

I had hoped that 2007 would get off to a flying start. I had a new job to look forward to, I'd made a decision about an online dating site (after AGES of deliberation), my social calendar wasn't looking too shabby and I was in a position to get back to the gym. All in all, I had enough to keep me busy for the first month at least.

Except, I started the new year with the most horrible cough/cold that left me coughing up blood and, strangely, dehydrated and run down. I'd played a football match the first week back at work on top of the cold, only to get injured (a couple of muscle strains). These, in turn, made me postpone the online dating thing until such time as I was in good enough shape to leave the house, should any potential dates come about. A couple of social engagements were put on hold because of the cold/cough.

The new job thing is annoying. For the first time since I started with this company a few years ago, work's starting to get to me. It's the training for this new position, I think. It's just so mind-numbingly dull and sitting reading from a screen all day long with this illness is not my idea of fun. I'm reading an awful lot, and while the topic isn't terribly difficult, I feel as if I'm not retaining anything and I'm finding motivation quite difficult.

It's only within the last few days that I've started feeling normal again, so we roll around to the online dating thing and the gym thing. I'll try to nip down to the gym before the end of this month to renew my membership (it doesn't lapse, but change in work policy mean our firm has changed its agreement with the gym regarding corporate membership). I'm actually looking forward to the gym again. I took a few months off to play footy instead, but I found myself getting injured far too often. That never happened at the gym.

The online dating thing, I'm not so sure about. Coming back from a weekend away, I took a peek online last night, only to see a familiar face pop up in my list of potential matches. She's my friend's ex-wife's close friend. Why this actually makes a blind bit of difference is beyond me, but I am now having second thoughts. I haven't seen her in years, but I met her in a bar a few weeks ago. She's easy enough on the eye, but she's someone that's attracted more by money than by personality which means our personalities would easily clash if we actually spent any time together. Plus, there's the fact that her friend was cheating on my friend, which I can't condone (although hypocritical given the flirting between USHW and myself and what could have potentially happened).

Still, it's early yet. There's still plenty of time for 2007 to shape up to be a good year.

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This throat thing is really pissing me off. I had yet another night of little sleep. I was asleep by midnight, awake roughly around 1:30 AM ...