Saturday, September 30, 2006

The one with no title

Another work's bash last night. Turned up for a quiet drink, went home at 11pm absolutely toasted. Regretting it this morning apart from the fact that I was getting appreciative glances from Pretty Blonde. This annoys me. I refuse to go on the pull at a work's bash. I try not to date people from work unless they're in a completely different department to me (I've 'dated' someone from work before and it's not worth the hassle in my opinion). If I see her out and about in a non-work environment, I'll probably test the waters, but not in work or at a work-related event.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


So, E and I arranged to hit a comedy club last night. It was all her idea, really. I'd suggested heading out at the weekend, but she was busy and suggested this instead. We usually end up pretty toasted on these nights out at the comedy club, and I wasn't expecting this to be any different, so had planned to head out for another hour or so after the club ended and really make a good night of it.

However, right from the very beginning, E made it clear that she was going home as soon as the comedy night ended. The reason? Her bloke was able to sneak out of the house (it's complicated, I'll leave the full story for another time) for a few hours and he was going to give her a lift home so that they could spend some time together. We grabbed some dinner before hitting the comedy club, and to be honest, the rest of the evening after that could have been spent with anyone. E spent a large proportion of the night texting the boyf and while I had a good time at the comedy night, it's not that E's presence made the night any different and her rush to leave at closing time was annoying, rude and frustrating. Now, I know that my feelings for E are uncertain but I don't think that they play any part in how pissed I am at her because of this.

If she wanted to see the boyf, then spend a night with the boyf. Don't go out with someone else and then blow them out when someone else becomes available. This is a trait I've noticed in a few female friends (and girlfriends) in the past and I've always told them how annoying it is. Girls that I've known seem to have this habit of blowing off anyone as soon as there's a sniff of a relationship in the air. I've even had words with old girlfriends about getting out and seeing their mates, but it's something they don't really "get". The thing is, E's done something like this before when she invited me to hers for a BBQ (Hangover City) so it's not new, but it is recent behaviour that I've never seen in E before. I've only met the boyf twice now - once during the BBQ night and once last night (for 5 minutes as I got a lift home), so I'm not really sure about him as yet. They say first impressions are usually correct, and my first impression of him is unfavourable, though I really can't put my finger on why.

This is on the back of having her friend call me last week to arrange a surprise party at the end of next month for E going away to NZ, and I had a really good conversation with E's friend about a few things. With the mood I'm currently in, I really don't have the inclination to show up, though.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006



That is all. I may post more tomorrow, but I'm kinda pissed off at the moment.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Just how bored am I?

I've always been told I was a picky man when it came to women. I apparently had very high standards in the women I found attractive. I'd always just assumed people were correct, but this evening, in a fit of boredom and because someone had handed me this month's FHM UK 'High Street Honeys' supplement and I had a quick browse through. 

So, I decided to see if I was picky. How many girls did I immediately find attractive, how many were people I was unsure about and how many simply didn't do anything for me? To be honest, I wasn't sure.

My experiences with the kind of people that the average FHM reader seems to like would indicate that my 'green' list of immediate cuties would be small compared to the 'orange' and 'red' lists. So, off I went with pen in hand (actually, a spreadsheet) to see who went in which category and what the totals were... You know what? I think I was surprised by the result. 

Green: 27
Orange: 34
Red: 39 

I don't think that's too bad at all for a quick ten minute browse through all 100 shortlisted girls. I wonder how many will get through to the final ten?

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Alcohol induced dream.

I was at a mate's house on Friday night. I don't see him very often, but when we get together, much alcohol flows and the nights are late. This time was no exception to that rule and we eventually called it a night at around 3am after hitting the bottle at about 6pm.

I was woken at 6am by my friend's son running around the house shouting and whooping. I rolled over and tried to get back to sleep. I had a weird, but quite vivid dream that involved me, PD and F.

I'm not sure how it started, but I do remember PD and I were in bed together. I went down on her which she enjoyed and there seemed to be a large passage of time between me going down and finishing (night became day become night again). When I did finally stop and come up for air, it was no longer PD, but F that was lying in bed with me.

I know that some people think that dreams are just the unconcious mind sorting itself out and trying to make sense of things, but I've no idea what the hell's going on with this one. While I've yet to decide about where any potential relationship with PD would go (potential date? just a friend?) and the thought of sleeping with her is not unpleasant, I've never harboured any thoughts at all about sleeping with F who's a dear friend of mine.

So what does it all mean? Do any of the people involved have any meaning? The large passage of time? The fact that sex was involved? Maybe it means nothing and I'm over-analysing it all.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Things to do...

OK, in light of the announcement in work at the weekend, here are some things I'm going to do this weekend (or try to do):

  • Have another look at my finances and get a better saving system in place
  • Get my CV up to date (shouldn't be too hard, I updated it last month)
  • Register/browse all the IT job websites I can find
It's not a lot, but that means I should get it done. Not now, though cos I have to go to the sports shop as I've started playing footy in work twice a week and need some sportswear. If I can keep this up AND still make the gym at least once a week, I should be in better shape before too long.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Well... I had a meeting with my boss today who gave me a heads up on the supposed pay rise we were meant to be getting that was announced months ago. Despite the fact that everything is supposedly in place for the pay rise to go ahead, they're going to postpone it until January at the earliest (but it could be as late as March).

I was kinda waiting on that announcement before I made decisions about whether or not I was going to look for another job. I think I will keep my eyes open, but I don't think I'll go all-out job hunting. I'm sure there'll be some updates to it over the next few days as the employees get their feedback.

I'm kinda fucked off right now.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Introspective II

Contemplation time again. After spending a lot of cash over the past few months, it's time to re-evaluate my spending and saving. That's something I'm going to have to do over the next few weeks because I really should be saving a lot more than I currently am plus there are a few things I want to do over the next few months, including visiting a few friends (which are never cheap weekends).

I'm also getting close to E leaving permanently and while there are no firm dates that I'm aware of yet, it's likely to be within six weeks. I've no doubt there'll be at least one big night out on the lash and I keep meaning to buy her a present before she goes, too.

As far as everything else is concerned, I think the next few months are going to be fairly important. I'm awaiting the outcome of a decision on a company-wide pay rise that could ultimately decide whether I stay where I am (happy, but seriously under-paid in the market) or move on (and earn at least the market rate – a substantial jump in salary). I've also been meaning to contact PD again to try and arrange a night out. I know that I called it quits with PD a few months ago, but we swapped a few emails at the start of the summer and on the back of that, I think I'll give her one more chance. If we can't agree a definite time to grab a coffee or a drink, then I'll call it quits once again, but for some reason I'm feeling fairly upbeat about it. I've no idea why. There have been no indications that this will be any different, but we'll see what happens.

Giveth and taketh.

While this weekend with KfW2 is a washout, another socialising opportunity has arisen:  a work thing, potentially with Quiet Girl, Stalky Gu...