Friday, December 30, 2016

A blast from the past

Over the years, USHW and I have had many chats about my romantic history. There has been talk about regrets, missed opportunities and a lot of other things. I've even covered some of them here.

While I think I've covered every important crush, date, partner or one night stand during the many different conversations, obviously some are never going to be mentioned simply because they were uneventful or not worth pondering over afterwards.

A post by a friend of mine earlier was surprising. She posted a picture of herself with her closest friend. A friend who had gone to uni with AM and QC1. A friend who I had been massively attracted to for a spell in the early Nineties and yet I'd completely forgotten about.

We'd come close to getting together a few times when I'd gone to visit AM at her uni and we'd gone out to the pub with her flatmates, but it just never seemed to work out.

I can't believe that I'd essentially forgotten that she even existed.

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