Tuesday, September 06, 2016

Just... stuff.

BR and G have been and gone and, as predicted, it was a drunken one. It was good to catch up along with M and MM, though the second night out with G never happened. It's a shame, but G's communication these days is poor. I'm less concerned that I didn't get a second night in the pub and more concerned that he couldn't have sent a quick text message rather than FP and myself being left in the dark.

Ho hum.

Sadly, MMBF and E3 never appeared. I was never going to pull them, but a man can window shop and they are cute. The only other piece of "news" is that one of our old school friends, a loud girl who I don't particularly like, got talking to me about meeting people and dating. I ended up telling them about my online dating experiences and the results, that I did want to meet people and that I wasn't that interested in people with kids, but admitted if the chemistry was there. I was about to launch into my theory about how online dating encouraged box ticking and how people seemed to be unwilling to meet people without finding out if there was chemistry by meeting, but we got side-tracked by G's arrival.

I doubt anything will come of it, though loud girl did suggest a blind date, which I avoided agreeing to.

It was a good night. That's that one ticked off. Next up - FBS, D and Friction Guy this coming weekend. I also have KfW2 and a night out with S's unrequited love before the end of the month.

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