Tuesday, September 13, 2016


My plan was that, after getting the weekend out of the way with FBS, D etc. that I'd chat to KfW2 about arranging an afternoon out. I know she enjoys our time together as much as I do - she said as much to me the last time we were out, so it's not a chore. It's just a matter of logistics - arranging babysitters etc.

However, she's a little down in the dumps at the moment. Her eldest has literally just left for university, possibly never to return to the family home (at least permanently). I often think that people like KfW2 and her eldest have a closer bond than others, because KfW2 and the father of her eldest are not together and boyfriends have been and gone. For a long time, while she's never uttered the phrase, it was just "the two of them against the world".

While she might well need one of our afternoons out, it seems inconsiderate to suggest it. Why? I don't know. We had a tentative agreement that we'd do it after the university upheaval, so it's not as if it'd be unexpected and our window of opportunity to have such an afternoon our is rapidly closing.

I'll leave it a few days and suggest something then.

As far as other plans go, CC is off on holiday next week. When she returns, I'm hoping to have a chat with her about joining the local gym that I've talked about previously and possibly engaging a PT for a bit. Maybe not multiple times a week, but perhaps a couple of times per month, just as a milestone kinda thing. I did it with GC years ago and noticed an improvement in tone, upper body strength etc. and that was just going to the gym maybe once per week and not really altering diet and seeing GC once per month. Even doing my yoga on a daily basis a few years ago, a few people from work noticed a difference after three months.

CC is talking about going to the gym at least twice per week, with some home stuff (my yoga), seeing a PT twice per month and making small changes to my diet (portion management, cutting out some stuff like bread and crisps and eating a little more healthily), then I would hope to see real changes.

I'm also hoping to have a chat with her about maybe doing stuff together to meet new people. I don't know if CC is actively looking to date/meet people (she seems happy enough with her lot, but then again, I probably do to her) or if she even has issues meeting people. I fail to see how - she's an attractive woman, decent body, and personable, so unlike me, I could see her getting plenty of offers.

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