Friday, September 16, 2016


Today got off to an interesting start. Sat on the bus on the way to work, who should I see at a bus stop on my route, but the cute, foreign, girl who works at my place? I think I've mentioned her in passing on the blog before, but a quick recap, just in case: she seems quiet, I don't know what age she is, I don't know where she lives (or rather, I didn't... I vaguely do now), she doesn't seem to go to our monthly work events and, a few years ago at the work Christmas party, I got her onto the dance floor to dance for a while, despite her being a stranger. We haven't had a proper conversation, and it's only reasonably recently that I actually found out her name.

She gets on the bus. She has a choice of seats available to her though she chooses to sit beside me. I panic. Well, not panic. I have a dilemma. She's barely looked at me since the Xmas party (though I had her laughing then, but a connection never developed) and I don't even remember her making eye contact with me at any time since, but it seems impolite not to at least acknowledge her presence. Do I take out my earphones and talk to her or continue looking out the window and listening to my Spotify playlist of music from films?

Good manners get the better of me and I remove my headphones.

I make a few statements and ask a few tentative questions, mainly around her living locally and getting the bus.

She replies, but they're brief... a few words at most. Is it shyness? Is she simply not wanting to talk?

My destination stop approaches (presumably hers too), so instead of trying to coax a conversation out of her on the short walk to the office, I cut my losses and walk to my local, regular coffee shop instead of heading into the office with her.

Ho hum.

Out tonight with S and his unrequited love. She's a good laugh, so I am looking forward to it. KfW2 has also said that she'll phone or call round tomorrow. I'm looking forward to that, too.

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Giveth and taketh.

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