Monday, September 19, 2016

Weekend roundup.

I spent the weekend chasing S. He had a friend over from London and the entire weekend was spent around hosting her and her friend. That's not a criticism, by the way, just explaining how it was. On Thursday, we were meeting for a few drinks and some pool. However, S didn't phone until after 10 PM by which time I had given up on the idea of going out (plus I had work the next day).

A similar thing happened on Friday, with the phone call not coming until well after 11 PM.

It was Saturday before the stars aligned and S was organised enough to do stuff on time. FC was out, as was GM and Sports Girl. SG had been in contact a few days before.

"Oh, I've missed you, it's been so long!" she declared.

I didn't type it out directly, but my reply implied that our lack of contact was her fault. And it is. SG and GM  have been socially invisible since they got together as a couple, around six months ago. FC gets to see them sometimes, but only because of sporting connections.

It was no surprise to see that, when SG and GM finally showed up on Saturday, that they never made any attempt to mingle with the people that S had invited out. It looked to me like GM wanted to, but SG never let him go for one second the entire evening.

I was also semi-expecting a message from CC. It was her birthday as well on Saturday and she was out with a few friends. I suggested that if she let me know where she was, I'd buy her a drink if I were close enough. That message didn't come, however.

KfW2 had promised a phone call as well. She's been a little down recently and I was hoping for a chance to chat and arrange our adult afternoon out. Via a few text messages though, she told me she was busy, but she will try and call soon. Hopefully we'll get something planned for within the next few weeks.

I text CC on Sunday morning. She had gotten drunk the night before. I noticed on Facebook that she was out with a girl that I'd previously matched with on Tinder. She'd de-activated or un-matched before I had a chance to message her though. I've never mentioned that to anyone, apart from USHW, so that may be something to consider, though my only previous attempt to meet someone through a mutual friend, CB, didn't yield any results. To be honest, cute Tinder girl is an outside bet anyway - her distance and family situation are not deal breakers, but certainly obstacles for me to overcome.

I also spoke with CC about exercise and she re-iterated her plan to join a gym after holiday (coincidentally with the cute Tinder girl), so that may be something that kicks in at the start of next month.

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