Sunday, September 11, 2016

We meet again!

KfW2 has always been intrigued by my circle of friends. Specifically, that I'm still in regular contact with people I've known since primary school - G is one of these people. While I wouldn't claim to be friends with another guy, we were in pretty much every primary school class and secondary school class and even ended up working for the same company for a while. In my early twenties, I played in the same football team as another primary school classmate.

Why the sudden talk about primary school? Well, Facebook has been very active this weekend with talk of another reunion. I'll probably go, though these things are really of no interest to me. I'm already in contact with the few people I want to be, the one or two people that I would like to talk to (including my first real crush), I'm already friends with on Facebook. The only missing person is one girl I had a minor crush on.

It all depends on dates and venues, though they're likely to be local.

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