Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Talk about leaving it to the last minute...

Untidy housemate has just now started packing his stuff... that gives him three hours to get out of the house for the December 1st deadline. The man is an awful procrastinator.

While I get along with him just fine, I will be really, really happy to get him out of the house. The only disappointment is that he'll not be replaced and the remaining house mates are forced to find somewhere new as a result of him leaving.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Just waffling.

Unsurprisingly, DSC didn't break it off with her boyfriend, but trying to be optimistic, she seems to have taken steps forward. I don't know why she doesn't just end it though... she appears to want to, but just chickens out when it comes to the crunch.

I went out for a walk earlier, mainly to get some fresh air as I've not left the house since arriving home on Friday evening. I love the snowy weather. I love the sound and feel of the crunch under foot as I walk along the street, the way that the whole place looks brand new with the smallest of snowfalls. It's also quieter... the snow muffles a lot of sound, but there are less people out and about and, go out after dark, and you might well be the only person on the planet. Even now, looking outside, and the snow reflects every piece of available light and it's not completely dark. In a few days, it will all thaw, turn to slush and the real world will return, but for now it's just magical.

Minor, unimportant new updates.

Two things to report: DSC is apparently, right now, at her boyfriends house, breaking up with him. He's harmless, but useless and I'm surprised it's taken this long for her to get to this stage. Fair play to her though. I hope, come tea-time, that she is actually single and didn't bottle it at the last moment. She's done this at least three times already with this fucktard.

Also, messy house mate was due to move out this weekend, but so far I've seen no evidence that he's done any packing, never mind moved any stuff out of the house. I know he's here... I've heard him skulking around, but I don't hear enough movement to suggest he's actually packing. I bet he went to the toilet then went back to bed. He's a man who can easily stay in bed until tea time.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Work totty.

I have a rule about not dating someone from work. It's not just dating either... it's the odd snog or a one night stand too that I've also ruled out. It's probably a silly rule, but I value my privacy and it was people poking into me and FBS that caused me to put the "rule" in place. I'm not going to say that it's a deal-breaker. I would guess that, were I to meet someone special, that rule would mean little, but the last person who ticked those boxes was QC3.

Over the years, there have been plenty of people that I've been attracted to at work but never pursued because of my rule. You just have to look at the girls I talk about and see how many of them are ex-work colleagues: QC2, QC3, E, FBS, Pretty Blonde and Lickable Girl. Some of them I know well and some are just girls I'd bump into in the corridor.  

This was a conversation I had with a few mates when out in the pub last night. We were talking about work totty. I've been "lucky" enough to have worked alongside some really attractive and sexy girls. I've had about five different teams with my current employer and each of them has had at least one very attractive girl. 

Obviously my friends wanted to know why, if I work with attractive women, do I not date any of them. The only one I've mentioned on here so far is SSCW, but I'm not attracted to any of them enough I would break my rule for. There is a girl in work that I am interested in, a friend of M's girlfriend, and she's separated from her husband. I'd have to get more information though before doing anything.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


I've just seen Monsters and it's a fabulous film. Very entertaining, atmospheric, two great leads and Whitney Able is simply gorgeous with a fantastic smile.

More landlord fun.

Another text from one of my house mates. Apparently, our landlord has managed to arrange, on a Sunday, a viewing for 9AM tomorrow morning and then doesn't even have the fucking decency to contact me directly. Fucking appalling whore.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Facebook recommends...

Interestingly, CAB appeared in my Facebook recommended friends list today, despite the fact we don't appear to share any friends in common. I haven't even seen the girl in well over a dozen years. She looks well, though, from her one and only profile picture available to me.

Friends recommend...

I was out last night with M. As per usual, it was a good night. Visited a few pubs and had many drinks. I mentioned to M that I'd seen Date No. 1 a few times recently and the talk turned to dating - my own dating life and how he'd met his current girlfriend. He then suggested that his girlfriend had her own ideas about introducing me to her friends... possibly as a match-making exercise. I'm up for that, I think. I think M's girlfriend would give me a good recommendation too.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Meh. Again.

I’ve been very “meh” this month... while things were trundling along nicely, there’s been the odd (some might even say inevitable) hiccup. That seems to have been the way it’s gone over the past few years – things go well, then there’s a setback. This time, it’s nothing serious. To be honest, they rarely are, but that doesn’t stop it from knocking me for six. The housing thing, the dating thing, the MfW thing has all cropped up in the past three to four weeks just to knock me out of my stride. This, I think, has been reflected in my blogging over the past two months where I simply don’t have the energy or enthusiasm to blog as much as I had in the early part of the year.

In addition, the fitness thing has tailed off again due to injury. I keep meaning to see my GP about perhaps getting some physio, but I keep getting side-tracked by work.

I'll have to sort this out this week.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Over the past few months, MfW has been my pub partner, often just the two of us heading out. MfW split up with his last girlfriend in July and since then I think it’s pretty safe to say that he’s had the horn something shocking. Nearly every weekend has seen him get in contact to go to the pub primarily to go on the pull and primarily looking for a shag, not specifically looking to meet someone new.

Ordinarily, things can go smoothly, but MfW has an Achilles heel – whiskey. When he drinks whiskey, he gets stupid. Whiskey seems to be a weakness for a lot of people. A friend’s friend got very violent on whiskey and stopped drinking it. MfW doesn’t get violent, but he can get selfish and he can be a liability in terms of trying to stay in the pub. MfW's problem is bad/stupid behaviour, not violence. Let’s not forget, it was MfW that ruined the night with NM by scaring her and her friend away

A group of us were out on recently for an occasion and MfW started on the whiskey early. Within 90 minutes of us arriving in the pub, he had deliberately nudged a friend into a group of strangers, made one of our female friends cry because of some kind of paranoia, threw his drink over a chair for no reason and ten minutes later, the straw that broke the camel’s back, tried to mop up the spilled drink with my brand new winter coat. Only my return from the toilets, catching him on, stopped him from doing it.

Suffice to say, I finished my drink and left. He sent a few text messages apologising and stuff and tried to call, but I didn’t pick up. I sent a message telling him I’d speak to him later, but there was no point in talking to him at that time. I tried calling yesterday, but he didn’t pick up and hasn’t tried to call back. We’ll have to see what this week brings.

MfW needs to be told that his behaviour was beyond unacceptable and that he needs to stop drinking whiskey. It'll be interesting to see if he pays attention to me and the rest of his friends.

Monday, November 08, 2010

The weekend just past.

The weekend with MfW went pretty much as expected. Overall, I had a good time, but MfW and his mate got some attitude on Saturday night when I wouldn’t go out a mad bender with them both, despite agreements that we would keep it civilised on the Saturday night. Both of them have a tendency to get like this, but a hard line usually works. In the end, me and the fourth person went back to the hotel for a few drinks where we exchanged banter with the cute barmaid (think a less pretty Isla Fisher and you’re about there) before calling it a night around 2AM.

The next morning, MfW and the other bloke were telling us stories of “the greatest night out, ever” but I wasn’t buying it. It really sounded like they were trying to talk themselves into it rather than make us jealous. Still, the last laugh was on us as MfW and the other one suffered greatly all day Sunday, including our flight home.

Friday, November 05, 2010

Weekend plans.

I’m going away this weekend with MfW and a few of his mates. I’m looking forward to it for the most part, but I have to be upfront and say that one specific friend of MfW’s is a complete tosser. Let’s see what happens.

Thursday, November 04, 2010

Useless people. FFS.

On the back of house mate Stig announcing that he was moving out, our landlady announced that there would be a viewing a few nights ago. I was excited… getting rid of Stig plus getting in a new housemate could revitalise the house in general, not that the remaining house mate is hard to live with… far from it, in fact.

However, arriving home later that evening, the entire house was spotless. Every room had been entered, even my room which had its doors closed and is off limits to everyone. Why would a potential new housemate want to see our bedrooms?

The answer arrived the next morning as I scoured sites like Gumtree looking for the landlady’s advert for our new flatmate… the viewing wasn’t for a new flatmate, but the house had been put up for sale again.

I fucking want to kill this woman. She has been the wrong side of absolutely useless ever since I moved into the house. It has taken over 9 months for her to get us a key for the back door (meaning our only access into and out of the house was the front door). Even then, all she did was replace the lock, meaning we could get out the back door, but have no access in through it. It has taken her over a year to fix a leak in the shower and a lack of main lighting in the communal areas of the house, and when the work was carried out earlier this year, it was only done so the landlords could put the house up for sale.

We always knew that the house would be put up for sale again, so it’s not really that which is annoying me. It’s the lack of contact and that we had to find out for ourselves that’s really annoying me on top of the fact she wouldn’t fix reasonably serious issues in the house for us, but did it quickly when she wanted to sell the house.

I was absolutely livid yesterday, something I mentioned to the remaining flat mate, and he was surprised. He says that he’s used to it, but really, the entire situation is just a lack of manners. We’re going to have to find somewhere new and this time it should be easier to find somewhere as it’s now only two of us looking for a place with two double rooms, rather then looking for three double rooms as it was earlier in the year (with little success).

I’m still waiting to hear from the landlord regarding the house being up for sale. I’m not holding my breath though.

Monday, November 01, 2010

Boo! (or boooooooooo).

This weekend promised a lot. Friends were home from all over the U.K., it was Hallowe'en and there was going to be a lot of time spent in the pub, having a laugh and catch up with old friends, rounding off the weekend with a gig.

And, well, that's exactly what happened. The only downside, as I saw it, was that 95% of the pub time was spent in student or "old men's" boozers, so the potential for meeting people was pretty much zero.

It's kind of annoying because Hallowe'en is one of those times it's easy to meet people, so I view this as a missed opportunity. The gig was good though.

Giveth and taketh.

While this weekend with KfW2 is a washout, another socialising opportunity has arisen:  a work thing, potentially with Quiet Girl, Stalky Gu...