Sunday, September 13, 2009


I'm in one of those phases where everything appears to be going against me in various degrees. The job situation is still very poor and the one glimmer of hope that I did have has now been well and truly extinguished, even though I don't believe my employers didn't act within the law. So I'm now undecided about what to do... I can remain where I am and hope something comes up internally, or look elsewhere which I'm reluctant to do in the current economic climate. There's also the fact that the new job might have also required a bit of travel to the States and that would have afforded a chance to catch up with V too. The travel itself would have been nice and a good change of scenery, so that entire package was very enticing.

I treated myself to a new graphics card for my PC in the hope it would help me run a few games better and cheer me up, but it looks like either something's failed internally or I need a new power unit to give my PC a kick which is more money (that I can afford, but this is still an inconvenience and an extra expense that I didn't need).

The online dating thing is something that annoys me. The two outstanding women I've seen haven't made any attempt at reply, not even a rejection, which is extremely annoying. There haven't been too many other people that even come close, so I'm reconsidering my membership (again). I think things might be different if I post a photo, but I am quite private, don't like my photo being taken and I'm kinda embarassed that I can't meet people offline and I come from a place where everyone knows everyone else, so I'm trying to find a few photos that are of me, but not close up face shots... or I would if my PC weren't in about ten pieces.

Socially, things have been slow, but the job situation is a real downer on everything at the moment really and I'm in such a bad mood that I'm not in the mood for the gym or anything else, really. I really should make the effort though.

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Facebook tells me it's K's birthday today, so Happy Birthday, K. Shame you were bonkers, and a recent re-reading of some MSN convers...