Wednesday, December 26, 2007

A rant on human nature...

In previous posts, I've talked about the on-line pastime that I have. It takes up a lot less time than it used to, but that's only to be expected really. Most people start off intensively and then it fades away, just like any other aspect of life.

Anyway, within this on-line hobby, I have a position of some power. It's kind of a cross between an advisor, a customer service role and well, some kind of third example that I can't put my finger on. Sue me, it's Boxing day and I've spent all day drinking beers at my sister's house with my brother-in-law. However, you wouldn't believe the politics and back-stabbing that goes on around it.

I've made a name for myself as a no-nonsense character. I say what I mean and I say it in few words. Along the way, people have developed a somewhat irrational hatred of me for exactly that. Some people change their minds (I believe USHW once wanted to biff me for exactly the thing I've described above, but now only wants to boff me instead. That may or may not be true, but it makes a great pun.) and some carry petty little grudges for years based on a few click of a mouse on a website.

That kind of behaviour has raised it's head again recently and it's always disappointed to see. One fully grown man, possibly over fifty, spent hours recently trying to make the most obvious (though invalid) point possible, while trying to disguise his motives with practically no success in my opinion. It's funny because the person whose defence he has leapt to is one of the most disliked people on the site due to numerous mistakes over the last few years, but who keeps returning under different guises. So he's not actually defending this bloke, but rather using him as a reason to try and cause me inconvenience. It's not the first time either, but he obviously didn't learn his lesson last time when plenty of people called him on his inappropriate behaviour.

I guess it's easy for me to keep the moral higher ground because there are very few people involved in the online hobby that I would say that I disliked and most of those have ended up in my bad books because they've started some sort of personal crusade against me first. Even that old guy mentioned above, I don't really dislike. I just think it's incredibly sad that a grown man has to act like a teenager in being snidey in order to try and get one over someone else for reasons that have yet to be released. I certainly don't know why this man dislikes me.

A few years ago, USHW forwarded an email from another, similar, older guy who had ranted about me and made numerous unfounded accusations. I currently have dealings with a much older woman who is, quite frankly, a spiteful, hate filled cow. I'd go further and perhaps suggest that there's something not quite wired right, because her behaviour is extremely odd and inconsistent.

I don't know what it is with these people, but sometimes I just shake my head at life. I mean, I could easily make life easier for myself by either quitting my role or stopping the hobby, but I enjoy the hobby even though I'm not as active as I once was and my stupid stubbornness means that I won't give up my role... at least not quite yet.

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Facebook tells me it's K's birthday today, so Happy Birthday, K. Shame you were bonkers, and a recent re-reading of some MSN convers...