Monday, December 03, 2007

No title at this time

I used to really, really fancy QC2. She was an ex co-worker of mine from a job I had probably about 13 years ago. QC2 was Jessica Alba before Jessica Alba was old enough to be attractive to men. QC2 was brunette, an almost perfect size 10, fantastic arse in a pair of Levis (blue or black), a sarcastic sense of humour with an edge to it and she was gorgeous. There are many, many similarities between QC2 and Jessica Alba, physically speaking. Jessica's better looking with a body only too much time at the gym can provide, but if there ever was a real world copy, then QC2 is it.

I think she knew that I really liked her, but there was never anything in it from her perspective. As these things tend to go with me, the non-platonic feeling soon gave way to platonic feeling and QC2 is a girl I'm quite fond of. I'm sure an element of the non-platonic stuff still exists in some minute fragment but ignoring that, she's someone I feel extremely comfortable with. I would have no hesitation in talking to her about my ambiguous feelings regarding E, for example. Or my frustration at the recent Kiwi Girl events. However, for some reason, I'm not entirely comfortable just saying it out loud. It kinda sounds like bragging and I don't have the skills to bring it up in conversation without it sounding like a boast ("See me, I pulled a stunning blonde Kiwi Girl last week!"). If someone raises a subject, I'll talk about it. If not, I talk around subjects. That's why I prefer people to ask me direct questions, I think. It certainly gave rise to USHW's list of Qs that she asks sometimes.

I was out with QC2 tonight and rather than just voice the remaining frustrations I have regarding the Kiwi Girl situation, all I could do was hint at it and hope she asked the questions. So, rather predictably, I skirted around the issue. QC2's usually quite intuitive and picks up on these weird foibles of mine, but tonight she was a little off (for no reason that I could ascertain). Maybe it's because we've not seen each other in well over a year. That'd be my guess.

Irrespective of my own weirdness, I had a thoroughly enjoyable couple of hours in QC2's company. Part of it is probably sue to that remaining non-platonic core that I have, but QC2 is simply good company. We've agreed that it's something we should do far more of and have tentative plans to arrange a night out some time and a different night out to visit a mutual friend of ours (AM) that we've both neglected far too much recently. This probably won't be until after the holiday season, but I'm looking forward to these nights already.

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Facebook tells me it's K's birthday today, so Happy Birthday, K. Shame you were bonkers, and a recent re-reading of some MSN convers...