Monday, July 10, 2006

A weird end to a good weekend.

What a weird night. I ended up in a pub quiz with my sister, my brother-in-law and a guy I used to work with a few years ago. I'd been celebrating most of the day and by the time we arrived in the pub, to catch the last period of extra time of the World Cup final, it would be fair to say that I was fairly tipsy. Six hours of drinking can do that to a man.

Anyway, after the match ended, the pub quiz started and we stood beside two girls who, after swapping some banter, kind of joined our team. I say "kind of", because they were busy talking between themselves and sending lots of text messages, but they did chip in with a few answers every now again when they knew the answer or we asked and we generally had a good time chatting to them.

It was the weirdest feeling, though. Both girls were quite attractive (I think they might have been sisters, though am not 100% sure), although the younger of the two girls was, well, I dunno. There was a little flirting going on between me and the younger girl, but not that much. I get uncomfortable going on the pull when my sister (or anyone I know) is around and reign myself in. 

However, I don't think I've had the horn so strongly and so immediately over someone as I did last night. It completely took me by surprise, especially seeing as the girl was nearly 13 years younger than me. Unsurprisingly, I did spend the rest of the night in complete lust. They left towards the end of the night without a chance to swap numbers or anything, so nothing ever came of it. Waking up this morning, the feeling had passed. Well, when I say 'feeling', I meant the huge urge. The physical attraction's still there.

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