Saturday, June 25, 2005

Secret fun and games.

I have two friends, well, maybe not friends, but there are two people I speak to fairly regularly. For the purposes of this anecdote, I shall call them A and K. 

I don't know A that well - barely at all, in fact, apart from a few MSN conversations recently. I have known K for a few years though. It would be inaccurate to say that K and I slept together as we didn't do any sleeping, but fucking was involved. Sadly though, K is not the kind of person to take sex at face value and she believes it has to turn into something, When I refused her offer of a relationship, she went all bunny boiler. 

On one hand, I fail to see why - she offered the sex and I fancied a shag. I think we were both probably a bit drunker than we have admitted to each other, but that's not to say that it wouldn't have happened if we'd been sober. It's only what happened afterwards that has put me off K. However, in her regular confessions to my friend, F (long story there about K's friendship with F, too, but it's linked to K being a fucking nutter), K still tells F that I am interested, despite over-whelming evidence to the contrary i.e. avoidance, refusal of meetings, nothing ever happening since etc. Oh, and I actually told her to her face one time that I was no longer interested. 

So, K remained interested (and convinced that I was, too) until last October. Through F, I became aware that K had found herself another object of interest. By doing some detective work, I figured out that the object of K’s affection was none other than a third party, an acquaintance from an online venture I often potter about on. With K being K, though, she was making it awfully hard work for herself and was refusing to tell me because she was still insisting to F that I would be devastated as I was still interested.

F knows the score, though. K’s progress with the third party was limited because there’s a substantial distance between them and the third party is not available every single weekend. It was (or is) slow going. Eventually though, K’s legs parted and the inevitable happened. And after the inevitable happened, the other inevitable happened and K decided that a relationship was on the cards. 

Where it all gets interesting is that A has been quite open to me about her relationship with her boyfriend. As I said above, I don’t know much about A, but I know quite a bit about her relationship with this mysterious bloke. However,the bloke is K's third party. 

I’m not sure how much each of them know about the other. K certainly has her "suspicions" as A has actually told her that she’s dating the third party, although she believes that A is simply trying to throw her off the scent. A, on the other hand, seems oblivious that K and the third party have made the beast with two backs. According to what I’ve been putting together from A (because I don’t think that A knows that I’ve identified her boyfriend as yet and she doesn’t want me to), they’ve been seeing each other for just under a year – at least three months longer than K has been pursuing D (mysterious boyfriend/third party). 

 According to F, K has been meaning to ask me that I report back to her regarding A and the third party, though seeing as she has still to tell me that she’s “involved” with the third party, I can’t say I’m expecting it too soon. It would be very funny though! I wouldn’t say anything to her either, by the way. K’s problem is that she can’t see the obvious if she’s made up her mind, even if it’s planted in front of her and that anything that doesn’t go to plan is someone else’s fault. Sometimes I feel that K has some real issues with life. Either way, I hope all goes well for A and the third party. It’s sad to say, but unless K starts taking more responsibility for her actions and stop blaming others, she’s going to find herself being very lonely.

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