Thursday, June 23, 2005

Gah, hmmmm, ummm... etc.

I keep meaning to post more here, adding thoughts etc. I suppose I really need to open to people a bit more. I'm incredibly open to one person and to others I do have a certain amount of openness about some aspects of my life, but not all.

I've booked my tickets to go and see E. That weekend is going to be a mixed bag. I've stated before that I've been having less than platonic thoughts about E. It's been over six months since I've last seen E (though we've emailled and called each other), so I have no idea if this is going to get weird. Weird from my point of view, obviously. I doubt E has any inkling of what's going on in my head (or my pants).

Oh, and I finally managed to hand in my gym forms at work. Sometime over the next two or three weeks, my gym membership will get activated and I can begin to lose some of my tum. I'm not particualrly interested in losing weight per se, but more about toning my tum so that I can fit into the nice clothes I bought myself at the end of last year (and haven't been able to fit into since!)

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Giveth and taketh.

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