Thursday, June 30, 2005

I'm bored.

When I'm bored I get evil. An idea has been floating around my head for months and months now. It's got to do with an online hobby of mine that I go through phases with. Someone almost beat me to it about two months back, but they didn't really make the best use of it, leaving the door open for me to step in and cause havoc.

Some work stuff.

Took my camera into work today to take pictures of some colleagues to send across to out partners in America. Sadly, Lickable Girl wasn't one of them, or else I'd have a photograph to perv over. Still, there are some nice looking girls in our section of the building.

Started a new project today and it's already gone to the dogs. We've got two weeks to complete the project and I'm off work for three days next week plus my co-worker has taken a week off. Things are going to get messy!

It's E's birthday today, so 'Happy Birthday, E'. See ya next week :D

Wednesday, June 29, 2005


The problem is... I've no idea what to say to her. I've sent the odd SMS message, but really with no idea if she ever received them. Hmmm... Thinking cap on, methinks.

Monday, June 27, 2005


Having spoken to USHW, maybe I will try and get in contact with V.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

The wonders of alcohol.

I have spent a very enjoyable Sunday reminiscing about the alcohol and drug fuelled, but sadly non-sexual experiences with V. When I say "reminiscing", I mean "reporting to me brother-in-law". The end result is the same, though.

I still wonder what might have been. But only when I have the best part of a bottle of Gin in me... Like now ;)

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Secret fun and games.

I have two friends, well, maybe not friends, but there are two people I speak to fairly regularly. For the purposes of this anecdote, I shall call them A and K. 

I don't know A that well - barely at all, in fact, apart from a few MSN conversations recently. I have known K for a few years though. It would be inaccurate to say that K and I slept together as we didn't do any sleeping, but fucking was involved. Sadly though, K is not the kind of person to take sex at face value and she believes it has to turn into something, When I refused her offer of a relationship, she went all bunny boiler. 

On one hand, I fail to see why - she offered the sex and I fancied a shag. I think we were both probably a bit drunker than we have admitted to each other, but that's not to say that it wouldn't have happened if we'd been sober. It's only what happened afterwards that has put me off K. However, in her regular confessions to my friend, F (long story there about K's friendship with F, too, but it's linked to K being a fucking nutter), K still tells F that I am interested, despite over-whelming evidence to the contrary i.e. avoidance, refusal of meetings, nothing ever happening since etc. Oh, and I actually told her to her face one time that I was no longer interested. 

So, K remained interested (and convinced that I was, too) until last October. Through F, I became aware that K had found herself another object of interest. By doing some detective work, I figured out that the object of K’s affection was none other than a third party, an acquaintance from an online venture I often potter about on. With K being K, though, she was making it awfully hard work for herself and was refusing to tell me because she was still insisting to F that I would be devastated as I was still interested.

F knows the score, though. K’s progress with the third party was limited because there’s a substantial distance between them and the third party is not available every single weekend. It was (or is) slow going. Eventually though, K’s legs parted and the inevitable happened. And after the inevitable happened, the other inevitable happened and K decided that a relationship was on the cards. 

Where it all gets interesting is that A has been quite open to me about her relationship with her boyfriend. As I said above, I don’t know much about A, but I know quite a bit about her relationship with this mysterious bloke. However,the bloke is K's third party. 

I’m not sure how much each of them know about the other. K certainly has her "suspicions" as A has actually told her that she’s dating the third party, although she believes that A is simply trying to throw her off the scent. A, on the other hand, seems oblivious that K and the third party have made the beast with two backs. According to what I’ve been putting together from A (because I don’t think that A knows that I’ve identified her boyfriend as yet and she doesn’t want me to), they’ve been seeing each other for just under a year – at least three months longer than K has been pursuing D (mysterious boyfriend/third party). 

 According to F, K has been meaning to ask me that I report back to her regarding A and the third party, though seeing as she has still to tell me that she’s “involved” with the third party, I can’t say I’m expecting it too soon. It would be very funny though! I wouldn’t say anything to her either, by the way. K’s problem is that she can’t see the obvious if she’s made up her mind, even if it’s planted in front of her and that anything that doesn’t go to plan is someone else’s fault. Sometimes I feel that K has some real issues with life. Either way, I hope all goes well for A and the third party. It’s sad to say, but unless K starts taking more responsibility for her actions and stop blaming others, she’s going to find herself being very lonely.

Friday, June 24, 2005


A note for those females who are interested in my current relationship status (and my attempts to change same): Spoke to gorgeous, Lickable Girl in the lift today.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Gah, hmmmm, ummm... etc.

I keep meaning to post more here, adding thoughts etc. I suppose I really need to open to people a bit more. I'm incredibly open to one person and to others I do have a certain amount of openness about some aspects of my life, but not all.

I've booked my tickets to go and see E. That weekend is going to be a mixed bag. I've stated before that I've been having less than platonic thoughts about E. It's been over six months since I've last seen E (though we've emailled and called each other), so I have no idea if this is going to get weird. Weird from my point of view, obviously. I doubt E has any inkling of what's going on in my head (or my pants).

Oh, and I finally managed to hand in my gym forms at work. Sometime over the next two or three weeks, my gym membership will get activated and I can begin to lose some of my tum. I'm not particualrly interested in losing weight per se, but more about toning my tum so that I can fit into the nice clothes I bought myself at the end of last year (and haven't been able to fit into since!)

Wednesday, June 15, 2005


Spent the weekend at a mate's house, out of the city last weekend. I think I need a new liver. Got horrendously drunk both night, but the second was at my friend's friend's friend's house, at a party. I'm not fond of those kinds of invites as I'm never sure that I'm simply tagging along or actually invited.

This time I was invited, but mainly because my friend was invited along at the request of *gasp* a girl! We'd both met this girl before - a few months back, and my friend, as they say, was quite taken with her. It appears that the feeling was mutual, as it was she who asked for my friend to be invited. However, for reasons still unknown, she left early which meant that another girl ended up "becoming friendly" with my friend. Much hilarity ensued.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Me, the racist.

Someone accused me today of making 'racist' jibes. When I say "someone", I mean the idiot I was talking about in my previous post. He has a habit, as I said, of using the phrases "you're wrong" or "you're mis-representing the truth". It's hard to say if he uses this because he disagrees or if he thinks you're lying, so I called him on it today.

I am not sure if he was born in France*, or if he is of French blood, there I think he considers himself to be French rather than English though.

Anyway, he accused me of exaggerating today, and I called him on this. I asked him if 'exaggerating' was French for lying. Rather than answer the question, he then starts making 'racist' accusations. Personally, I was questioning whether he was calling me a liar and trying to hide it, his nationality doesn't come into it. Fucking idiot.

*Nationality changed to protect identity.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Stupid/selfish people and debating.

As part of one of my online ventures, I deal with a fair number of people who all hold various areas of responsibility. I'm a fair believer in taking a harsh line and leading by example, but over the years, this has brought with it a certain reputation.

Strangely, as time has gone on, a lot of people, while not agreeing with my methods, are at least coming around to my way of thinking. Of course, I have to point that out to them, much to my own amusement. However, there's one guy whom I believe to be abusing the position of trust that a website owner has bestowed upon him. We usually end up in various debates about this particular website. His typical reaction to any perceived criticism of him or his "friends" is complete denial, usually followed by a "you're wrong" or "that's deliberately mis-representing the truth". At first, I thought it was me, but several other people have also backed me up in my version of events and a few people have told me in private that they've suffered similar fates when having a discussion with this person.

Anyway, he continually challenges any suggestions to change his working practices despite the fact the website in question is really going to the dogs. He refuses to support other people's endeavours to help the site and, thus far, has yet to offer any ideas of his own on how to accomplish this goal. His basic philosophy toward the site is to reap the rewards of his position, but bury his head in the sand at the state of the site.

Every time I think of this, the phrase "laissez-faire" springs to mind from my old GCSE Economics class. I think it translates roughly as "leave to do" or similar. What it actually means that you use a system whereby if you leave everything alone, you hope that it will all work out in the end. This seems to be exactly the attitude of this person, which is frustrating when you consider the amount of work being put in by many other people, only for this one idiot to be spoiling it for the rest of us, and yet the web site owner doesn't listen...

Monday, June 06, 2005

Airline fares.

Why won't the fucking EasyJet fares come down in price so I can book a reasonably priced flight to visit some friends?

Hello again.

USHW is back on MSN. Yay.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Are you listening?

One thing that I have learned from my friends (and especially my female chums) is that I'm a good listener. It's not something I ever worked at because I've always preferred listening to talking, so it all kinda came naturally.

Tonight showed pretty much what I'm capable of (he says, his ego rapidly inflating...) An acquaintance, whom I've only started speaking to on MSN recently, was/is having a spot of bf trouble. She's no reason to trust me - we barely know each other having had less than a dozen MSN chats over a month, but she still managed to open up tonight (although, in all honestly, she didn't open up fully).

As usual, the other party then gets all guilty like, apologising and telling me that i must surely be bored. However, the fact of the matter is, I like listening.

No imagination = no title.

When I started this blog, I envisaged my sad, untrusting little self eventually coming to post some stuff that I needed to say, but didn't know who to turn to. While that hasn't quite been the case, I do think that the blog is actually of some benefit.

I appreciate that the entries probably aren't particularly exciting for the most part, and as much as I would like post details of the time I snorted coke off of Jessica Alba's naked body or thousands of no-strings one night stands, they're just not me. Not that I would want to snort coke off Jessica's naked body or fuck thousands of women - I would (in theory at least).

I think, mainly, that the blog is under-performing due to my lack of social life at the moment. A lot of my friends left and moved away, others got married and settled down with mortgages, kids and the like. That left me, a single bloke, trying to summon people to go pubbing etc. with. I might try and get a few of the people in work more interested in doing social stuff, but they're tied up in relationships, too. So, what I need is a social life, or maybe a girlfriend. Hell... even a fuck buddy so that we can go to the pub and then shag (or go to the cinema, then shag... or shag, then shag... anything, then shag!) Anything to get me out of the house! Heh.

One more thing to ponder: in one of my more time consuming online ventures, I seem to have a reputation of being a no nonsense, tell it like it is kind of person. However, for some reason, I also seem to have attracted a female fan base, most of whom have become fans despite knowing next to nothing about me. If only I could translate that kind of action down at the pub!

Giveth and taketh.

While this weekend with KfW2 is a washout, another socialising opportunity has arisen:  a work thing, potentially with Quiet Girl, Stalky Gu...