Monday, August 06, 2018

Train wreck.

FP was asking after my work issues a few nights ago, which I explained to him. We got on to the subject of my health and I admitted feeling stressed for some time. We talked about it a bit, but I didn't admit the full scale of the issues that include:

  • Short term memory
  • Anxiety
  • Fatigue
  • Eye sight issues
  • A twitch in my eye
  • A stye

I presume, though I am not a medical professional, that these are all inter-linked. Stress causes lack of sleep. Lack of sleep causes a lack of mental sharpness meaning memory issues and an inability to express myself verbally. The stye has developed presumably because I am continually rubbing the eye that has the twitch in it, which is a result of stress.

The eye sight issues may not be related to stress at all, but are simply my already bad eyesight getting worse, coupled with a new monitor set up in work that's not really working for me.

FP has also suggested that I might get my blood pressure taken, but I reckon that won't be good news at all. I dread to think what my cholesterol and blood pressure levels are like.

I'm trying to decide if this is bad enough to go to see my GP or if it's just a matter of taking the time off that I need. It's not the diagnosis that scares me but rather what the cure might be for any ailment. I don't want to be on drugs for the rest of my life.

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