Friday, March 01, 2024

Looking forward.

I always thought Quiet Girl was really hard to read and my attempts to get her to socialise, while generally successful, felt forced. But it was she who reached out to see if I was going to our monthly work outing, implying that her presence depended on mine.

Stalky Guy also showed up. I was pondering whether or not to attend, due to the ongoing family stuff, but I needed a drink, I wanted the company and, as USHW is fond of reminding me, I'm a sucker for a pretty face. And I do think QG is pretty.

There is not much to report - it was a fun night, I got tipsy, QG gave out hugs at the end of the evening (a first - I didn't think she was the tactile type) and we tentatively agreed to attend another thing that the company is putting on - a sporting event that might lead to drinks afterwards.

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