Me, talking about the things that I find interesting or general stuff that's going on in my life.
Thursday, February 29, 2024
Scrub up well.
Saturday, February 24, 2024
Top that.
I don't know who this is, but seeing these pictures reminded me of QC3 and I think, though I can't be sure, a post I've made on this blog. I've definitely mentioned my fondness for women's backs and backless dresses. I think I've posted before about a stringy top thing that I can recall QC3 wearing, to D's wedding.
Well, while not 100% the same, this outfit is very reminiscent of what I recall QC3 wearing that day.
Thursday, February 22, 2024
Hmmm. Random.
Wednesday, February 21, 2024
What just happened?
Let's go!
Tuesday, February 20, 2024
Look and feel.
Monday, February 19, 2024
Sunday, February 18, 2024
Saturday, February 17, 2024
Reach out.
Friday, February 16, 2024
Back to back
Thursday, February 15, 2024
To me, to you.
Wednesday, February 14, 2024
Count 'em.
Unsurprisingly, the number of Valentine's cards received this year is 0, dear reader. I can't remember if I've posted about this before, but I only ever recall getting two cards in my entire life. One was a joke from a godparent and the other was from QC2. I had the hugest crush on her at the time, too. I had kissed her at a party only a few weeks earlier, asked her out and was turned down, so this card coming through the post really threw me. It took a chat with AM to clarify that there was no intent behind it other than a bit of light-hearted fun.
The only person I've actively been dating at this time of year was FA2. She was giving off these "I don't buy into V-Day", though I still bought her flowers and took her to dinner. I don't recall getting a card from her, either. In fact, beyond birthday cards, she never really came up with the goods, though I've probably covered that before.
But even though I wasn't actively dating anyone on V-Day, the memory made me realise that this time of year is probably my most active or successful in terms of meeting women. And by this time of year, I mean roughly mid-December through to mid-March.
Of the women frequently mentioned on this blog, QC1, FA2, FBS, and CAB all happened/started within this period. The E3 incident happened. While nothing progressed, the Chloe night fell into this window too. There are a few others who have not been mentioned on the blog when the initial meeting happened at this time.
While regular readers of this blog might assume that, due to my perennial single status, I don't like V-day, I do have very fond memories of this time of year because of the women mentioned above.
Tuesday, February 13, 2024
Monday, February 12, 2024
What the?
Sunday, February 11, 2024
Thursday, February 08, 2024
You again?
Tuesday, February 06, 2024
I had another couple of weird dreams last night. The first I can barely remember, but I do recall waking in the early hours of the morning and thinking that the dream, and how I was visualising that in my head, would make a great video game.
The second involved USHW and I travelling or trying to, in the middle of a transport strike. Where we were going and why we were travelling was not apparent, or I can't remember.
And in the middle of that, when I was trying to get back to sleep after the first dream was the memory of Chloe asking me to make sure I saved her number. I think I've commented on that before.
But now I'm thinking that she really did want me to call her, didn't she?
Monday, February 05, 2024
The hunt.
Thursday, February 01, 2024
Up here.
Giveth and taketh.
While this weekend with KfW2 is a washout, another socialising opportunity has arisen: a work thing, potentially with Quiet Girl, Stalky Gu...
Following on from this post I've got my hands on this year's first shortlist for the High Street Honeys award. How will the ladies ...
Today, I decided that it's been far too long since I've seen QC2, so I sent a text message in the hope that she'll reply soon. E...