Friday, September 16, 2022


I spent last night in two WhatsApp conversations. One with D, FBS etc. and the other with old teammates in my current workplace, including KfW2. The aim was to arrange some socialising.

I partly succeeded. I've tentatively booked a date with D, FBS and Friction Guy for the start of October.

The group with KfW2 is another matter. We were originally meant to go out last December, and even had a day agreed and booked... until Covid Omicron came along, whereupon we decided as a group to cancel, for obvious reasons.

It's frustrating because it's so much work, and yet while everyone wants to meet up, the expectation is that I drive the arrangements with almost zero support. And by support, I don't necessarily mean help, but even just a willingness to suggest dates or venues. I'm getting nothing.


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Giveth and taketh.

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