Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Gut Feeling.

I can't remember if I ever posted about this before, but for some reason, this popped into my head earlier this afternoon. It's about FA2, and specifically my suspicions about her feelings towards me much earlier than when we first started fooling around.

The thing is, there have been few times where hints have been given, by women, and I've noticed them. QC1, FA2, and QC3 of those mentioned on this blog, are good examples.

When FA2 first announced her availability, she specifically asked BW to let me know. The thing is, while I'd met FA2 a few times, it struck me as weird that she insisted that BW share the news. I thought nothing of it at the time, assuming that it was all BW's doing. FA2 admitted later that it was her doing.

BW got a contract to work abroad for a few months. He asked me to look after FA2. I called her randomly one evening and asked if she fancied doing something. She declined and I thought nothing of it. I reported back to BW.

Again, there was a night when FA2, BW, me and others went out to see an ABBA tribute band. There was lots of booze and dancing, and I caught FA2 giving me looks. Again, nothing concrete, but I had a hunch that something was up.

Then we get around to the night we first kissed. I had arranged a night out with FA1 and her friends. BW and FA2 were meant to turn up, and they did... albeit hours later as they'd gone out for dinner while I was trying to figure out FA1. I had suspected that FA2 was interested in me, but I also thought that there was an outside chance that BW might have been interested in FA2. 

It later transpired that when I called her to do something, she assumed I was asking her on a date. But I wasn't. I didn't view her with romantic ideas until she kissed me. it was the BW influence. If he wasn't interested in her, they were close friends, and that needed to be managed, so I think I kinda refused to consider something romantic/physical.

Of course, a mutual friend then explained that BW had been interested in FA2, but he'd never said to me.

But still... I wasn't always useless at picking up signals. Just most of the time. And even when I did, I tended to second-guess myself.

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