Sunday, December 12, 2021

In and out.

The nights out with S, GM etc. never happened. S had made alternative plans for the Friday, and GM messaged me, last minute, to say that last night's plans were cancelled due to S's "platonic" friend feeling ill.

I was glad. I was exhausted, but had planned to go out for an hour, but no more. Covid, in my hometown, has decimated the taxi companies, plus it's the Xmas season, so getting a taxi at kicking out time is a complete lottery, even if you have booked hours in advance. Plus, I don't know if it's extended Covid isolation, but it's becoming increasingly more difficult to motivate myself to leave the house these days.

GM and I swapped a few more messages. We've both got extended time off over Xmas, so we'll definitely get to see each other for a social drink, if nothing else.

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