Monday, December 20, 2021

Holding me, holding you... AHA!

For the past while, I've woken up thinking about FA2 or FBS. There's a craving there, a desire to have someone beside me when I wake up. I think it ties into the loneliness - it's been a tough year, and it would have been helpful to have had someone to go through it with me. 

There's another element, which I think is what I'm currently feeling each morning, to just have a warm body beside me, to cuddle and chat, especially now that I am on holiday for the Xmas period. A lie-in, but with more. 

It's not about sex, though that's undoubtedly something else that I'm missing, but I have had days in the past with both FA2 and FBS where we lay in bed until nearly lunchtime (or longer), just chatting and cuddling. That's why they've been in my thoughts when I wake up this past while, I think. 

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