Friday, October 29, 2021

Just stuff

Nerdy Girl suggested that we forego our usual walk in favour of something indoors. Pool, maybe? The weather hasn't been great, so it's been a while since we saw each other. Actually, as I had admitted to CC in a phone call yesterday, I've been very withdrawn over the past while. It would be nice to actually get out and do something.

I can't remember the last time I played pool. The memory I have is with CC and KfW2, but I know that I've must have played more recently with GM or Sports Girl.

Regardless, it was a good night out - some pool, some food, adjourn to a quiet bar to chat and have a couple of drinks and back home early. Nerdy Girl did admit some things to me (KfW2 had asked me questions around the topic before, but I had no definitive answer), but just getting out to chat to a non-family member was refreshing. I also shared my experience/frustrations of the CB near miss (specifically seeing her on Match, messaging, getting no reply, then seeing her in person and not knowing if I could approach her) and not getting a read on V.

I slept really late this morning - it was nearly 10 AM by the time I woke up, but I have today and Monday off to recharge a little. I probably won't, though. The stressful things haven't been fixed and the timeline I have is growing closer, so I have work to do to try and address that where I can. There is a glimmer that things might not be as bad as I fear, but I won't know for sure for a while.

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