Thursday, October 14, 2021

Just stuff.

When I first met USHW, years ago, she returned a book that I had loaned her. It was "The Intimate Adventures of a London Call Girl", by Brooke Magnanti (known at the time as Belle de Jour). I'd read (and loved) the blog. I read further works of hers. She even added me as a "friend" on Facebook due to USHW sending her a message explaining how I was a fan.

Even my sister was a fan due to my influence and we were both very interested in what was going to happen when she outed herself and when Billie Piper was due to star in an adaption of the blog/book for television.

As part of the lead-up to the TV series, Billie and Brooke met, and chatted. There's a picture below, though the written piece that accompanies it is long gone, or at least I can't remember where I first saw it.

When I'm feeling a little down, in a funk or lonely, I surf the internet, spending money I don't have. Is it expensive gadgets? Nice restaurants? Posh hotels to spend a few days? All of that! So, imagine my surprise when a picture appeared in a London hotel that reminded me of the picture above.

It couldn't be the same place, could it?

I think it is, you know!

It's well out of my budget, but that's the point of these little online window shopping scenarios - it's very definitely "lottery win" territory.

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