Sunday, August 14, 2016

Thanks, but no thanks.

After the brief period of enthusiasm and activity on my many online dating accounts recently, someone finally popped up who looked cute and interesting and within my basic search criteria. Her profile wasn't brilliant - typically bland and... something else that I can't describe or put my finger on. Homely, maybe? However, her profile pictures suggested a sense of adventure that her words didn't.

It was three words - "looking for love". I'm not going to say it put me off, but it made me assume that she was of a particular personality type that I'm not particularly looking for. I want someone with their own personality. I've often cited KfW2 and CH as being examples of that exact type.

Physically, she's attractive - pretty, nice smile, brunette.

So, I fired off a message, asking about some of her pictures (which are all travel-related).

It took her over two and a bit days to reply, which was short and closed off. I was reasonably sure, though not certain, that it wasn't inviting a reply, but I wanted to make sure, so I asked her a few more questions - dripped a bit of personal information in there and fired it off.

That was Thursday night and I've heard nothing since, though she's been online quite a bit (often, and for hours at a time), updated her profile pictures (not the blurb though, which is telling in itself). I'm not expecting a reply at this point, but I have to wonder why people can't communicate properly.

The girl's message answered questions I'd asked, but there was no element of "thanks, but you're not what I'm looking for" or similar. She's have been better off not sending any kind of reply. I know it's difficult. I've always moaned about how difficult it is meeting people on dating sites and I try to reply to anyone who messages me who has put any kind of effort into an opening message ("Hi" simply doesn't cut it). But I always make it clear that I'm not open to prolonging the conversation and wish them all the best in their search.

Attractive Neighbour really impressed me with her messages. I was pretty sure she wasn't my type, but I sent messages anyway. We swapped a few messages each and I wished her well. She was interesting, interested and positive, all traits that online dating sites don't tend to be. If everyone were like AN, places like PoF would perform much better, I think.

Why is communication so difficult for some people?

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