Friday, August 26, 2016

So, what's happening now?

And so it begins again. CH hasn't replied to a text I sent over a week ago asking to meet her for coffee. I had planned to use that coffee date as a springboard to get her out of an evening. It's also her birthday sometime around now. I can't remember exactly when in August it is, but it was around this time. That time we were out that she sent some interesting text messages on her way home. Was that about two years ago?

During the brief text conversation we had (we were both a little tipsy), she made these comments:

"Thank you for the card you have no idea what that means to me"
"Thank you for being you and weirdly appreciating me"
"And in the relatively short time we have known each other... The scale on which I trust your judgement is unreal"

That was why, when it all fell apart, communications-wise, that I had thought she was over-reacting. I also knew I hadn't been out of line. Mild criticism is no reason to to have the reaction that CH did.

That's all under the bridge now... except for the fact that the issues with CH being controlling are still there. She makes all the calls. If she doesn't like something, the alternatives are on her terms, not any compromise.

And her communications have always been shocking.

Still, it's not like I've nothing else to do. I was meant to be out yesterday with KfW2, but that's been postponed for a few weeks while she gets some family stuff sorted. Nothing seriously bad, but it needs done now.

G is home soon. It could be this weekend. His sister told me it was the bank holiday weekend, but G's own texts suggest it might be the following weekend. He still hasn't clarified, despite asking. My weekend this weekend is quiet anyway. I've taken a couple of days off work to chill a little, so if G is over, I'm free. I've no other plans this weekend.

The following weekend, obviously, G might be over. BR and his wife are definitely in town. That'll mean that others will be out including M and MM, possibly E3, hopefully MMBF (though she's an outside bet at best).

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