Monday, December 28, 2015

Counting down.

Around this time of year, I'm usually pretty depressed. It's mainly loneliness. This year, though, while there is still an element of that going on, it's much less of an issue. I think it's because other things are ongoing - my housing issues should be now over - no more random flatmates to deal with - and I'm still mulling over Sports Girl.

It's been nearly two months since she first admitted some attraction. Our friendship has grown stronger in those two months, but I still want to sleep with her. I've been trying to drop hints to that effect, but I've no idea if any of them are taking hold. In fact, I've no idea if her attraction is still in place. I do know that neither of us is getting laid and that we both feel lonely at this time of year.

We hug a lot and I think her hugs are still CH-esque that, to me, indicates a certain level of non-platonic attraction. It's hard to say though when we're both sober.

I've invited her over tomorrow night for movies and beer with a cheeky promise to get her drunk. It's this kind of night that I've been waiting for - privacy, my own place, alcohol and a bed (of sorts). I've no idea if she'll come over, it'll depend on her daughter. There may be an outside chance of getting her to stay the night, with or without sex.

In a few days, It's New Year's Eve - a night I hate being alone on. I don't have to be out (though I think it's a great night to meet new people), just have company. I've already thrown a suggestion out to SG, GM and S that they've all pretty much agreed to individually, but I want to start getting confirmation. I don't want to be running around at 10PM on NYE, trying to find out what's going on.

Still, it's nice that things are a little more positive than usual at this time of year. Hooking up with Sports Girl would be a great way to end the year (or kick off a new one).

Saturday, December 19, 2015

A new chapter starts.

Call it the magic of Christmas or call it the magic of alcohol or whatever you want to call it, but whatever it is, it worked.

It was the work's Xmas party and I wasn't in great form. I couldn't really put a finger on why I wasn't in great form, but there was none of the usual socialising that I tend to do during these things.

CH was very visible, pretty much being on the dancefloor from the end of the meal for a good few hours, often on her own.

I, myself, was very drunk. When talking to KfW2, the subject of CH came up. Specifically, I'd be talking to a friend of CH's (GWTNA) who'd been asking me why CH and I hadn't been dancing. When I confessed that we didn't really talk any more, that CH had fallen out with me (rather than the other way around), she was sympathetic.

"You two were good friends. You should go talk to her," she suggested.

I replied that it had crossed my mind and it was this conversation that I relayed to KfW2.

She suggested the same thing, but I was dubious. CH is a very stubborn woman, especially if she thinks she's been crossed. I didn't want to risk a full blown argument - CH could do that, I think.

So, I went about my night, messaging people, chatting and doing an awful lot of drinking.

On my way to talk to JB, I noticed CH, on her own, looking for something so I approached her as she turned around. Initially, we didn't say anything. I just hugged her. I told her that I had missed talking to her and that I'd heard her news and was so glad for her.

We spoke further - she explained that she had gone through a rough patch at the start of the year. I explained that I had too, which was why I wanted to talk to her and that I was disappointed she hadn't shared that with me. We chatted for a bit, but the important pieces had already been said. No-one really apologised, we just acknowledged the breakdown in communications and moved on. A message I sent earlier that evening, to SG I think, I think suggested that I'd never see CH again. I don't know whether this is true or not - CH's availability is always in question - but if we do, it'll be as friends.

She'd claimed that, regardless of my approaching her at the party, she had included me in her goodbye email. It's tradition in my place to send out an email to those who've made a big impact on your life/career as you move on to pastures new, and apparently I was going to be in receipt of hers, if not specifically mentioned.

GB returned to the table from dancing and was delighted that CH and I were talking again.

Also, worth point out that CH's tactility came back instantly. There were lots of kisses, back stroking and vague not-quite-arse grabbing. All the things that made nights out with CH enjoyable but frustrating.

And with that, the night ended... for about five minutes until KfW2 talked me into going to the after party. And so, the night finally concluded at 4AM, drunken and emotional (due to a conversation with KfW2 about loneliness).

Suffice to say, the next day wasn't great. I had an actual hangover for the first time in ages and the lack of sleep hit me hard (I'd been out late on the Wednesday for one of the early Star Wars screenings with SG).

I had another sleepless night last night, so I'm pretty much running on empty right now.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015


I was right. KfW2 had been in cahoots with FP about getting me to pursue something with SG. He admitted it last night when he issued an apology. He explained that he had spent some time chatting to SG and realised that she was a bit weird.

Weird in that she has some really strange ideas and beliefs. Without going into details, she's extremely distrusting of government in general and is a massive conspiracy theorist. This all came out in a conversation between SG and FP.

I had to remind FP that SG as a girlfriend wasn't ever on the cards, but I was considering a FB/FwB thing. He nodded, reiterated that SG was very attractive and that was that.

In other news, SG has been messaging again. Her reasons for being silent aren't particularly convincing (i.e. that she was feeling off), but the important thing is that she's OK.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Further developments.

Yet another Friday night and yet another last-minute arrangement with GM, SG etc.

It wasn't too drunken and I was out with GM and SG after closing time. As usual, SG and I parted with a CH-esque hug and I got a taxi home.

Since then, it's been radio silence. We swap a good number of Whatsapp message each day, but she's been quiet. She's been online since, but my messages have been ignored.

I don't think I said anything out of turn on Friday night - I wasn't drunk enough to say anything stupid (or forget that I said anything stupid), so I am at a loss as to the reason for the silence.

It's concerning for me. SG is a friend. She's been online, so she's talking to someone... just not me. If she'd given a token excuse, then I might have overlooked it, but the silence says more than anything else.

I've already asked if everything's all right so the question's out there. I'm just waiting for her to say something, to let me know that she's OK or explain what the problem is.

Friday, December 11, 2015


We had our now annual Xmas night out a few days ago. All the usual people were there - KfW2, CC, GM, FP, S etc. along with newcomer SG.

I was intrigued by SG's attendance because it would give KfW2 a chance to meet her. And vice-versa. I was more apprehensive about SG meeting KfW2 though because of SG's reaction to GM and Foreign Girl earlier this year. I knew that KfW2 wanted to meet SG - she's been kept up to date on the SG thing, though she's unaware that despite not seeing SG as a girlfriend, that I'd still take her to bed. My fault for being too subtle.

I've not learned a lot so far. SG has briefly mentioned KfW2 and I'm paraphrasing but "I can see why you're friends with KfW2 - she's such a warm, friendly person - very refreshing". It was clear that we're very close, right from the moment KfW2 arrived.

KfW2 hasn't yet passed judgement on SG other than mentioning, while we were out and after SG had left, that SG's two kids have different fathers.

I'm interested in learning what KfW2 thinks of SG, but it's not important. It would be if I considered SG to be something more than a friend or a FWB.

FP's advice (I suspect that KfW2 had said something to FP about SG because he was suddenly interested in learning more once I came back from the bar) was to bed her then deal with the fallout, but she's not a stranger, she's my friend as well. I risk fracturing a rather tight social group if SG ends up getting hurt and I don't want that to happen.

On a more general note, despite the fact that this year's event was mid-week, there was still a good turnout and everyone seemed to have a good time. I guess that's signalled the start of my Christmas party season.

Friday, December 04, 2015

And now... the end is near...

A few weeks ago, KfW2 shared some news. CH has been offered another job, in another company. I don't know if KfW2 was expecting any reaction, but there wasn't one. This is news I've been waiting to hear all year - after all, I was actively involved in helping CH do some job hunting and application form filling last year. Even then, my expectation was that our friendship would dissolve once she found new employment - she's simply not one of those people who's good at maintaining contact outside of a core set of friends (much like S).

I'm wondering how she's going to react to new employment. She'll have to meet new people and her whole routine of seeing her core friends will come crashing down. She might still see them at lunchtime - her new employer is only a few hundred metres away - but her new job will have far less flexibility than our current employer offers.

I kinda miss talking to CH. The drunken semi-flirting and great rack aside, when we were talking it was great fun. It was disappointing that it never really blossomed into a proper friendship, but even now, my stubbornness is preventing me from making initial contact - she was the one who stopped talking to me, she is the one who's angry with me (and I still don't officially know that). If she wanted to talk, I'd welcome it, if I were in the wrong, I'd apologise (I don't think I am).

But, within a few weeks... definitely not later than the Xmas party... the entire CH chapter will be closed, for ever.

A tale of two women...

Something that came out of my SG chat with KfW2 a few days ago was how much of an enigma she was. SG does things to extremes. She can be a tomboy - she mostly is - but equally, she can dress up in skimpy dresses and massive heels (as adequately demonstrated on the first night we met). She claims shyness, but is not backwards in interacting with other people. A recent example is getting up and dancing with strangers during a night out. She claims to be self-conscious about drawing attention to herself, but has no qualms about dressing that way - her recent Hallowe'en night costume (very, very sexy and not a lot of it) or the aforementioned dress (very, very slutty and not a lot of it).

However, one thing that I've not mentioned so far was that, after I'd (badly) dealt with SG's admission on Hallowe'en night, she left shortly thereafter. Ages ago, SG admitted that she was simply too drunk and that she always gets emotional when drinking vodka. A few days ago, though, SG also admitted that she thought her costume was too skimpy and she was feeling very self-conscious about it. Personally, I thought she looked stunning in it - gorgeous and sexy. But it was that admission that started the gears turning in my head about SG's two sides.

We met at lunchtime yesterday (KfW2 would be raising her eyebrows at this stage), but nothing has changed. I felt nothing beyond appreciating the physical. Arguably, the wanting to sleep with SG thing only raises its head when there's alcohol involved.

Giveth and taketh.

While this weekend with KfW2 is a washout, another socialising opportunity has arisen:  a work thing, potentially with Quiet Girl, Stalky Gu...