Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Questions, questions.

I had an interesting conversation with DSC tonight about my online dating experience. She made an observation that, in her opinion, I was targeting women that she thought were all stunning and out of my league. I disagreed. There were some stunningly attractive women in my list, but I also sent messages to "less attractive" women who had more interesting profiles too. All the women messaged had a combination of interesting profile and a good picture. Some profiles were poor, but the pictures were great and vice versa. Very few, in my own opinion, were out of my league.

I pointed out Date No. 1 to DSC a few nights ago, as an example, and DSC thought she was out of my league, but Date No. 1 made the contact there. At the same time, DSC pointed out a woman she thought looked perfect for me. A woman that I thought was very reminiscent of NM from a month or so ago. My argument was that I considered Date No. 1 and NM to be of comparable prettiness on my own personal scale, so how one was out of my league and the other was "perfect" was a mystery to me.

DSC then switched tack and said that Date No. 1 was too young for me while the NM-like person was around my own age. Date No. 1 was/is five years my junior, but that put her at the lower end of the age range that I would find acceptable in dating. I had messaged younger while on PoF, but really I was just expanding my target group to maximise potential replies. The amount of women in my target age group that matched my criteria was very few.

While I like DSC to be forthright, I don't think her criticism in this case is valid. I don't know if she will have changed her mind with the extra information I gave her, but it has caused me to think about who I might have missed with my targeting of women that I though were attractive. It's important to me to have that spark of attraction, so why would I message women that weren't giving me that vibe? Was I sabotaging myself by picking women that are construed to be out of my league? Admittedly, I wouldn't have chatted up some of the PoF girls in the bar if I were out, but there have been a few that I consider to be as pretty as Date No. 1/NM with decent results.

I don't know. I'll have to give this a ponder.

Another sighting.

A few nights ago, along with DSC and MfW, I went to a local comedy night. It was good craic and no doubt my (platonic) chemistry with DSC will cause MfW to ask questions, but the talking point is another potential sighting of Date No. 1. The thing is, I’m not 100% sure that it was her. Physically, it looked like her – roughly the same height, build/figure, facially similar etc. However, when she looked at me, there was no recognition and I know she sometimes goes to these things with people from her work, but I still wasn’t 100% sure. If it wasn’t her, then she has a double that I find really cute!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Online dating... WTF?

In terms of the online thing, I’ve officially given up. Well over thirty women messaged this time around and not one single reply. What’s that all about? DSC had been encouraging me all along to do it, but she’s baffled by my lack of success. One girl did contact me who wasn’t on my radar and we have been IM-ing each other. She seems fun, but after the initial contact, it appeared that I was doing all the running. I left my MSN details with her before I deleted my account, but she hasn’t added me to MSN or sent an email as yet. I’m glad it’s over though. Towards the end it was really getting me down. Officially, I’ve had more luck chatting to random women in bars than in three months of serious internet dating site membership. Go figure.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Another blast, from a recent past.

Out with MfW again last night. He’s desperate to pull, so that’s why we went out. Nothing doing, though… a few nice looking women in the bar, but none that were approachable.

One point of interest is that I saw Date No. 1 while we were hunting for a taxi home. I haven’t seen her since our date, and she was looking quite cute. I didn’t stop to talk to her though – just a nod and a smile of recognition from the both of us and we were on our way.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Another change is imminent.

Last week, the untidy housemate announced that he was definitely going to leave the house, but hasn’t yet given us a date. That means we’re probably going to have to get a new one in, but not before the landlords complete the work to the house. Interesting times ahead in the house!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A blast from the past... Part 2

Years ago, in our first family home, a girl lived next door to us. It's safe to say that she was easily my frist crush and by god it was a huge one. It lasted years. I never did anything about it though. Why would I? She was slightly older than I was, a completely different set of friends and I was a fourteen year old pubescent oik with runaway hormones.

Only a few years ago my mum told me that I had actually asked her out, but that's just pure balls. I never did, but I can imagine that my crush was nowhere near the secret I thought it was.

Well, out of absolutely nowhere, a friends request has come in from her. I haven't seen her in easily twenty years, possibly more. No comments or messages... just a friend request.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

A few interesting coincidences.

I learned a few things on Friday night. The first is that a girl I had my eye on (ish) in work is no longer married - possibly divorced and definitely separated. She's also disappearing off for a bit on a career break. My window of opportunity is almost non-existent, though I do think that she is at least a little interested in me.

The second is that I think KFW is interested in me. Her friend spent a lot of Friday night asking me if I'd date KFW, then when she was leaving, KFW's hug lingered a little more than those she gave to the others. Interesting times.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


The house is in disarray. The work, which started almost seven weeks ago, is still in progress because my landlords are, quite frankly, fucking clueless. House morale is low. House anger towards the landlords is high.

As a result, the smelly, untidy housemate has hinted that he's going to move out, possibly to his girlfriend's, possibly to his parents'. That might put us in a quandary as our landlords are (eventually) looking to sell the house. If we lose a house mate, they might take this opportunity to put the house back on the market, then we're left looking for a place. I have seen a fair few places at a price I am willing to pay, but my flatmate probably won't go the extra few quid required to get a really nice, modern place.

Could be another frustrating few months ahead.

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

More online frustrations.

I'm two weeks into the four week stint I told DSC I would give Plenty of Fish a go again. She was very insistent I give it another go and to be honest, I think she has assumed that I never really tried before. I didn't have that much against it as she was being very positive. Getting back into it though is another matter. All the same frustrations from my time on PoF and Match before have all come back - lots of work on my part and none in return. The next two weeks can't come quickly enough.

Giveth and taketh.

While this weekend with KfW2 is a washout, another socialising opportunity has arisen:  a work thing, potentially with Quiet Girl, Stalky Gu...