Saturday, February 27, 2010

I have the dreaded man flu

Woke up this morning with a stuffed head and have been sneezing ever since. Well, I say "woke up", but really I got about three hours sleep last night, which is weird considering I was out at the pub on Thursday, got little sleep that night, spent all day yesterday fighting off sleep by consuming large quantities of energy drinks and coffee.

I was talked into heading to the pub last night, ostensibly for a couple directly after work, and then home, but given that I managed to get back into the house last night around 11 PM and my eyes were absolutely hanging out of me by the end of the Family Guy double on BBC3, I thought that sleep wouldn't be an issue. I was wrong.

So, today, I feel like guff. There's a lot of stuff I need to do too, in order to move forward with my life - job stuff etc. but the current lurgy has sapped all my energy. Maybe I will be in better shape tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I was talking to A via email today about the suggestion made recently that I contact RB directly. She agreed with me that it was weird, but I still might try and see if MF might being RB out during one of our mass nights out.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

More dating introspective

I was chatting to a few friends recently about my dating life, or more accurately, my lack of action on the various dating websites. I'm replied that it was hard to get excited about someone based on a profile and that sparks fly much easier when two people meet. She then asked me when was the last time I met someone I really liked.

There are two answers to that... the last girl to float my boat was the girl from this post, but that was a lust thing. She was nice, we may yet see each other again, but it's unlikely to become anything. The last girl I met where I thought something could develop was RB, but that was almost two years ago and, much to my continued anger at myself, she's still someone I think about on and off.

It was suggested by two friends that I simply get back in touch with her. I can message her on Facebook, I think her mobile number is still valid, so contact details are not an issue. It still hangs over me that she was keen, but carried some baggage, then she backed off after suggesting we become friends because she figured I was too keen. While I was keen, I don't think that it should have been an issue and I don't think I was too keen. Contacting her with no prior warning seems weird to me. It's for this reason I wouldn't just contact her out of the blue. In an ideal world, MF would invite her out and we'd see how the land lies, but I'm not sure MF ever would do that. Or maybe RB would see that we have MF in common (as it were) and add me as a friend on Facebook and we'd see where things went from there.

It was suggested by friends that I should lay some ground work with MF and see if getting RB out is actually something that could happen, and if I'm being honest, part of me wants to do that. Another part of me is angry at even considering it, as I believe I really should have moved on from RB a long time ago. There might also be a problem with it being weird, but I think this would be less so than simply contacting her directly.

Maybe I should do both... lay some ground work with RB, but still go ahead with my "one month only" plan to return to the dating site and actually put in a lot of work in a finite amount of time.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I was engaging with a bit of banter with JB today. You might even argue that it crossed into flirting territory, briefly. One thing I've realised over the years of talking to A, USHW, R etc. that people somehow find it easy to open up to me and JB is no exception. She ended up being very frank today about some things and I think she even surprised herself at the same time. 

At the same time, I learned that JB is like K when it comes to sex. JB doesn't do a lot of sleeping around. She doesn't do any sleeping around, in fact. I'm always confused by this. We live in an age where this is not the norm any more, so JB's (and K's to a certain extent) point of view is maybe a tad old fashioned. JB was talking about how she didn't want an object of her affection to think she was bringing blokes back to hers from the pub, but I don't think they'd be too worried. 

K was the same. She initiated sex with me and then afterwards tried to force start a relationship which I absolutely resisted. Pity... I wouldn't have minded tapping that a few more times. I was more after a fuck buddy kind of scenario with K, but it was never going to work for her. She was too emotionally engaged rather than just giving in to lust every now and again. 

I tend to compare people like JB and K with FA2, who did sleep with me long before we became an item. I don't know why... maybe because FA2 is an example where you can have sex outside of a relationship without sleeping around per se. Or maybe FA2 was playing the long game and she wanted a relationship from the start, but was happier waiting for me to come to the same conclusion?

Ah well. While I can get them to talk, I still don't understand them.

Monday, February 08, 2010

The 2010 duck is broken!

Well, Saturday night didn't turn out as I expected. FP and I did go to the pub and it was good. There was plenty of banter with attractive looking ladies (more so than usual), though with FP coming off a fairly serious virus, we didn't stay out for long and called it quits long before any of our banter could elad to anything.

However, last night I was out with another friend, and bloody hell if I didn't go and pull. We were only out for a couple of quiet drinks at a local-ish pub when we were chatting to a couple of girls sat next to us. They were good fun and one of them took a shine to me. She was a very attractive girl, tall too. I reckon she was about 5'8" at least, but she was wearing heels so it's hard to gauge. I was sending texts to F on the sly, giving her updates, while we were in the pub.

Suffice to say, I had to call work this morning and tell a fib about an emergency dentist appointment to give me time to get back to my place for a shower and a change of clothes before arriving into work shortly before lunchtime. I've been feeling rough all day - a combination of too much booze for a Sunday night and a definite lack of sleep.

I don't know if we'll see each other again. She was nice, but I think we don't really suit each other for anything more serious and I really doubt this is going to turn into anything regular. Still... she has my number, so watch this space...

Saturday, February 06, 2010


I'm waiting for FP to give me a call or send me a text about heading out tonight. He seemed up for it last night, but I've mentiond how relaible FP is before.

However, I have this strange kind of optimism. I have this feeling that something good is going to happen tonight. I don't know what "good" is... jut something that'll make this night memorable. Assuming we go out that is. FP is my last chance for heading out tonight.

So, c'mon FP... make that call.

Wednesday, February 03, 2010


Things I should have done this week:
  • Preparation work for having an important meeting with my managers
  • Create a new profile for a last-gasp one-month-only bash at online dating
  • Have a look online for new jobs in my area of expertise

Things I didn't do this week:
  • Preparation work for having an important meeting with my managers
  • Create a new profile for a last-gasp one-month-only bash at online dating
  • Have a look online for new jobs in my area of expertise

Things I probably shouldn't have done this week instead of doing that stuff above:
  • Have indecent thoughts about the manager of my favourite bar in town
  • Go to the cinema
  • Wonder if MF is giving RB feedback about me as MF is for RB to me
  • Have indecent thoughts about K for some reason
  • Facebook stalking

Monday, February 01, 2010

A big week looms...

Our company announced the pay rises last week and I'm not getting one, based purely on my boss scoring me last year. My boss that I pretty much accused of harassment. I could have queried this at the start of the year, but I had decided that I had had enough grief from my boss.

However, what I didn't realise at the time was that the score I had been given was so low, it was going to rob me of a pay rise this year. As you might guess, when this was announced, I was livid.

I went to a friend in the company and asked her advice. The upshot of this advice is that I sit my bosses' boss down for a chat and see what we can do to make things right i.e. get me the move that I need. It's a no-brainer, really... I really should have been moved on months ago long before my boss and I got to this stage, but the company have been dragging their heels. If I'm being honest, this guy I'm going to meet should have had a chat with me. That I'm going to him for this chat is just making me angry. In my opinion (and that of other managers within the company), my management hierarchy has been extremely poor over the past six months.

Based on the outcome of this meeting, I may or may not end up looking elsewhere for a job. I don't want to... the market is poor and it's a bad time of the year anyway to change jobs. I might just look around anyway.


I was surfing the internet today and noticed that MF had joined a group on Facebook about a quiz in a local pub. Browsing through the list of members, a semi-familiar face popped out... it was a girl that I'd tried to message on one of the online dating sites where I'd previously been a member. She never replied. Pity... she seemed intelligent and was quite cute.

Her loss, of course!

Does this classify as Facebook stalking?

Giveth and taketh.

While this weekend with KfW2 is a washout, another socialising opportunity has arisen:  a work thing, potentially with Quiet Girl, Stalky Gu...