Sunday, July 26, 2009


I've spent a very drunken weekend with BR. I needed to blow off steam and he, completely randomly, suggested I went to his for, well, no real reason.

So, even in my hungover state, I think I can safely say that Natalie Portman is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my entire life.

I was on the rain back to my hometown this evening, and I was walking through the carriages, trying to find a seat where I could sit, plug myself into some music and chill for three hours.

I did find the seat, but the aforementioned Ms. Portman was in the same carriage, minding her own business and... well... I'm not one for over-reaction or gushing, but my jaw literally dropped.


Friday, July 24, 2009

Injecting danger into Facebook

In this post, I explained what happened between K and myself. I'm starting to see her pop up on my "suggestions" section of Facebook because of F, a friend of mine. I'd argue semantics, but I'm the mutual friend in the trio of people, if that makes sense. 

Anyway, I'm considering adding her as a friend to see what happens. She is bonkers though. Maybe she'll come over and fuck me and I can get my head well and truly melted again. I know F and USHW would laugh their pants off if that ever happened. 

I wouldn't be laughing.


Still nothing from the girl I attempted to email last week. I think she's been online twice since I sent an email, but I've been told that plays sneaky in letting you know when someone's been online (i.e. if you open their email with members profile pictures in it, because you've access the server, they count this as being 'online'). It's been seven days, so it look like I give this one a miss and look at other options. The problem is, this girl was head and shoulders above anyone else that I've seen so far. Balls.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Step 1b

The email has been sent and the girl in question has, I think, been online since. It's a waiting game and, if you remember back to the RB thing last year, you'll remember that I am not a patient man under these circumstances.

If she doesn't reply, then I'll over-analyse why she wasn't in contact.

If she does reply, well, that's a whole different set of "problems"!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Step 1...

Well, I've put together an email and sent it to the only girl (so far) on Match that's taken my interest. I'll have to see what happens now. I'm really not up to speed on what's considered good etiquette on these sites. Do I message loads of people at once and go on a dating spree, going on dates with several people at the same time (well, not at the same time, but you know what I mean)?

I don't know. I'll have to see how this goes and how many people actually interest me. I'm notoriously picky.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Pondering with bits and pieces.

I bit the bullet yesterday and signed up to a dating website with a month's subscription. I'd had an account there for a while that was a limited version and didn't allow me to do much. So, I've taken the plunge. One good thing I've already discovered is that one of the few women on the site that I am interested in has marked me as a "favourite", which means, should I get in contact, there's no reason not to be positive about some contact.

I'm also thinking (still) about contacting R2.

The only thing holding me back on both counts is the wording of the initial message. I can carry on a conversation, but starting one is something I always have trouble with.

On another note, that girl I know who's RB's friend has added me as a friend on Facebook. I've no idea if that means anything, but watch this space.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

A personal gripe

There was a night out planned on Friday... a social celebration of a personal thing. I had invited lots of people out to the pub.. .around 25. I wasn't expecting everyone to show up, but there were a core group of people that I wanted to come along including QC1, QC2 and AM.

All three of them let me down. Both QC1 and QC2 had promised to show up then cancelled last minute... QC1's husband was drunk and they were going home instead of meeting up with me and QC2 never offered a reason, just sent a last minute text saying she couldn't make it. AM was silent for a week after I'd emailed the invitation and then cropped up at the last minute citing babysitter problems.

I was more interested in QC1 and QC2 to be perfectly honest from a showing off perspective. Both QC1 and QC2 are, in my opinion, very easy of the eye and having either or both of them show up would be rather cool. Not that I have a chance with either of them as QC1 is married and QC2 has been in a relationship for the best part of 15 years. It just would have been nice to have had some "friends" show up... as it was, it was some family and co-workers (the co-workers being that group I've been socialising with recently, albit without JB).

They've all (QC1, QC2 and AM) all promised to meet up soon for a coffee/drink/lunch and it'll be great seeing them, but I'm still a bit annoyed about Friday night.

In a semi-related thing that I completely forgot about, that same Friday night was exactly a year to the day that I met RB.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Life goes on...

Well, I think I've solved the "Is JB interested?" quandry and my opinion is now that JB is probably 95% uninterested. She keeps PMing me in work and having conversations about a bloke she met last year that she's keen on, but he's not interested in her. Girls don't have those conversations with guys they're interested in, do they? I think not. Anyway, there's that, but there's this little unercurrent of something else and I'm not sure exactly what it is. There's a little bit of flirting going on, but not a lot.

Anyway, my own feelings are pretty clear... I'd shag her, definitely, but I'm not sure there's anything more than that between us. She's not, I don't think, the casual sex type. She does snog plenty of people and she does go to clubs looking for men, but she seems very retiring (there's a better word, but it's escaped me right now) when talking about sex and stuff of that ilk. I've never heard her swear in the (short) time I've known her.

So, all-in-all, I think this is not going anywhere further than just being friends.

I'm in a "not wanting to be single" mood right now, so I might have to look at other options.

In other news, RB's friend has been more open where she used to be really hard work to talk to. It was suggested that I might consider RB's friend as a potential date, but she really does nothing for me. I'm trying to keep on this girl's good side in case there's a possibility of RB and I meeting again (it's always good to get the friends onside, I've been told), though given that RB's currently travelling the world, this is extremely unlikely.

Saturday, July 04, 2009

More non-dating news.

I've spoken about this blonde girl enough times now that I really should give her an easier name to type, so from now on (and I'll have to go back and re-tag old posts too). I think I'll call her JB.

I've been having this dilemma about whether or not I'm interested in JB. I was taking to E and E's friend about it a few days ago. E's friend didn't understand that even though JB is not really my type per se, that I could still find her attractive.

Anyway,  we were out last night and I'm still not sure. I'm also still not sure about JB's potential interest in me. I'm falling on the side of the fact she's not interested, but every now and again she does or says something that makes me re-think that. Like last night we were out separately but bumped into each other at a pub. The two groups were people from work, so there was a slight overlap, but she made an effort to find me and let me know they were moving on to another pub, a favourite of mine. I can't remember if I've blogged this before, but there was a point where I thought she was interested until I let slip my age (I'm 9 years older than she is) and I think that might well have ended any hope I had of us hooking up in any form.

Last night, though, I was definitely finding her attractive. She wears jeans well (i.e. she has a great arse) and the whole package last night just looked good. However, later on that night, she took herself off with a little posse to her favourite nightclub haunt and I never followed her... it was simply far too hot and muggy yesterday to be in an underground nightclub. That's also part of the problem... the two females as part of that group have these little groups of blokes that simply follow the two girls around like lapdogs and I'm really not into following girls around like that, even those I'd like to date or shag.

E's friend has suggested that if I'm finding it hard to figure out if I'm interested or not, then I'm probably not. It's logical, but I remember a huge email conversation that USHW and I had last year about my relationship with E when I was having similar concerns.

Speaking of USHW, she's been in contact over on Facebook which is good. I hope it continues because it's fun talking to USHW.

Oh, and as a postscript, RB's friend last night mentioned RB again. I don't know if there's anything worth reading into here or if she's just being mentioned as a mutual acquaintance, but I'm still finding it a little frustrating.

Giveth and taketh.

While this weekend with KfW2 is a washout, another socialising opportunity has arisen:  a work thing, potentially with Quiet Girl, Stalky Gu...