Saturday, February 24, 2007

Normal service resumed.

I was having a chat with USHW yesterday. Well, two discussions, really. The first centred around the idea of fantasies (specifically masturbation ones), but we didn't really go into too much detail and kinda skirted around the issue.

Later, we had a franker discussion about sex and making sure each party is satisfied. I voiced an opinion that it was up to women to educate men if they weren't getting what they wanted simply because it's more often the woman that ends up the loser when it comes to sex and getting a result.

I think I also asked USHW about some posts she had mentioned making ages ago, so it'll be interesting to see if she brings her blog out of retirement. I was kinda drunk last night, so the details of the sex conversation and her blog posts are a little hazy.

There's an outside chance that I will get to the pub tonight, though it depends on whether or not FP clears things with his wife. That means that I'll get a last minute phone call at about 8 PM saying “yes” or “no”.

Friday, February 23, 2007

A quick update

This past week has been rather uneventful. Given the 'discovery' I made on Valentine's day, I quite fancied a trip to the pub last weekend, but it was not to be. I had a quiet weekend though which wasn't bad and had my nephew down for a few hours which is always entertaining.

I haven't posted much about 'the discovery' but mostly because there isn't a big issue. I was a bit down last Wednesday afternoon after spotting Pretty Blonde in town, but as I reported it's nothing more than a little disappointing. Time to move on.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

St. Valentine's Day

I got two cards today. Well, e-cards to be more accurate. One was from USHW, a friendship card, which was extremely thoughtful of her (and much appreciated). 

The other was from, well someone else, someone unknown. It was, well, not a friendship card. Heh heh.

Denied! (part 2)

Sodding typical, innit?

As reported yesterday, I took a trip up to see ex-colleague today to find out the arrangements for the weekend. Obviously, the trip was all a sham – I could easily have emailed him, but I fancied a close up view of Pretty Blonde. That's a pleasant way to spend a few minutes during the working day and the arrangements for the weekend were duly sorted.

All is right with the world… or so I thought.

Having a walk around the city centre at lunch, I was dismayed to see what looked like Pretty Blonde (it looked like her from 30 yards away from behind) walking arm-in-arm with a young gentleman. I tried to get a better look, but had some shopping to do, so lost them in the crowd. Firstly, who uses "dismayed" these days? Secondly, how likely is it that a man and woman can walk through the city centre arm-in-arm and not be romantically involved?

Ladies? Can I put that one to you?

I've done it a few times, and even held hands with a few – AM, QC1, QC2, QC3, F and more. So, I know that it doesn't necessarily mean anything, but you have to admit it's a fair assumption to make, isn't it?


Strangely, that's how I feel. Just "bugger". I mean she is an attractive girl and I think there was a slight spark, despite the fact we've never spoken – too much eye contact at various work's gatherings, you see (and if I noticed it, then I'm sure it's blindingly obvious to everyone else). I'm not hugely gutted really, though there is a bit of frustration at the irony of finding out on St. Valentine's Day that my most promising target romantically in quite a while (yes, that's really sad, isn't it) has a partner.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007


I got an email from an ex-colleague today asking if I fancied heading out for a few beers this weekend. Now when I say "ex-colleague", I mean that he still works for the same company, he just moved departments.

I called up to see him this afternoon to find out more about these beers. It turns out he's got a new job elsewhere and is leaving, hence the beers. Get this, though. You know who sits a few seats/about ten feet away? Yup. Pretty Blonde.

So I'm thinking to myself that this might be a sign... a good time to make some kind of initial effort... something to spark the interest. Oh yes, I was all of a sudden looking forward to Friday night.

Until I found out that, despite the close proximity, Pretty Blonde doesn't work in the same team as my ex-colleague.


Monday, February 12, 2007


One of the guys pointed me towards the FHM Kama Sutra today, but I didn't get a chance to look at it before I got home (NSFW, you see).

All I can say now is "Crap, I wish I had a girlfriend to try these out on!"

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Something exciting

Something exciting that has happened is that, a few weeks ago, an acquaintance of mine from another online venture I dabble in, has asked me to join their project which will mean reviewing books amongst other things. It's nice to be asked. I have a lot of respect for these people and the fact they think enough of me to invite me to their venture is quite thrilling.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Plans for the weekend

I plan on taking it easy this weekend. It's cold here, though not as bad as the rest of the UK, but cold enough to keep me indoors. This weekend and next suck ass seeing as St. Vally's Day falls smack in the middle, so my usual haunts are going to be full of doe-eyed girls and their dates. That, coupled with the fact that everyone else is busy, means I won't be stepping out tonight (and probably next weekend, too).

Perhaps the more cynical me would have activated the online dating thing this month to take advantage that some women hate being without dates this month.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

A typical woman.

After posting about the picture of Lickable Girl that I had found (and subsequently passed on to USHW), USHW asked a lot of questions about the various people mentioned on my blog (mostly the females) and various histories etc.

I hope my answers satisfied her. It reminded me again that I am quite useless at talking about myself unless prompted. USHW's questions provided me with what I needed to talk about myself. I doubt I would have done so otherwise.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Stop the press! (Who is that?)

Oooooh, I've just stumbled across a picture of Lickable Girl!

Man, I haven't thought about her in months since she left for another firm/career/who knows!

I must point USHW towards this.

It's a pity though cos the picture really doesn't do her any justice at all.

The weekend!

I had kinda hoped to go out last night, but forces conspired against me sadly. I had a nice MSN chat with A.

Today, I'm to my sis's house to see if my nephew is feeling any better (he's been poorly for the last few days) and to sneakily catch the match on Sky (we don't have Sky Sports). That should be a good afternoon. This evening I should be heading to the pub seeing as last night was postponed. Hopefully! The bars should be busy tonight - it's the first weekend after pay day.

Tomorrow, I'm heading to a mate's house in the country for a day's worth of sports on TV starting fairly early in the afternoon and finishing with the Superbowl at fuck knows what time in Monday A.M. Still... plenty of time to get the beers in!

Giveth and taketh.

While this weekend with KfW2 is a washout, another socialising opportunity has arisen:  a work thing, potentially with Quiet Girl, Stalky Gu...