Something I've been meaning to post about over the past few days and it's always escaped me was that last month (November) marks the point where USHW and I started to really get to know each other. As far as I can remember, though that's not a guarantee of accuracy these days.
We had been chatting online before that due to the online hobby and our own respective influences and responsibilities, but if memory serves, November 2004 is when USHW started asking more personal questions, and I may have been a bit more forthcoming with some personal information. I do recall regaling her about a night out with V fuelled by booze and drugs when I returned home after spending around three months abroad for work.
Might be time to dig out the old chat logs, if I still have them.
Sounds about right. And how in that time have we only met twice? Can't believe it's nearly 10 years since last time.
I know, shocking!
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