Sunday, December 08, 2024

Let's see what happens.

I spoke to KfW2 last night. I was going to suggest we did dinner, as that's what I've been trying to get her out for, pretty much all year.

But she was quick to suggest we did a Christmas Market afternoon/evening with her eldest son in tow. That's what we did last year and while it's not the alone time I want, it's pretty much all I'm going to get. And that's not to say that last year wasn't fun - it absolutely was.

But, you know, it's been tough this year, and I wanted the intimacy of dinner and drinks and to be able to chat, face to face, with one of my closest friends.

Sadly though, we don't have a date nailed down because the entire family, including KfW2, are fucking useless at arranging anything.

Interestingly, as part of the conversation, I mentioned that JB was leaving for a new job and KfW2 declared, quite confidently, that she used to have notions of me. Now, I don't believe this for a second, and it also turned out that I think she was thinking of Ideas Girl. But then KfW2 also suggested that IG was not the only one who has romantic notions.

This is news to me. The only other person that I am sure had less than platonic thoughts about me was CH, and she clearly wasn't going to be sharing that with anyone else. is KfW2 just mistaken or did she know more than she let on? (For the record, even if she did know something, she has clearly forgotten any details.)

KfW2 also asked if I had been speaking to CH recently, but we've not communicated directly in years.

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Giveth and taketh.

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