Friday, December 27, 2024

Socially speaking.

When I suggested post-Xmas drinks to The Crowd a week or so ago, S was the only person who agreed. This is despite Mrs FC suggesting we all get together (and me then directly calling out that she could arrange it).

But at the moment, the only thing I have on my plate, social-wise, is another trip to my sis's tomorrow for a party, and meeting Nerdy Girl for breakfast on Monday.

There's nothing from KfW2, though she's out tonight in town and I still don't know if she promised to do something at the end of her snatched call on Xmas Eve. I think she did. I re-sent the "drinks" invite to The Crowd earlier this afternoon though have had no reply as of now.

I tried suggesting to FBS, D etc. that we meet in January so I could get into my fitness plan without worrying about a big night out, but it doesn't work for FBS, so I think we've pencilled in a Friday towards the end of February.

So lots of potential stuff over the next while, but I'd have much preferred to see everyone within the next few weeks, then spend the next few months seriously trying to loose weight and work on other things. But I hope something works out with The Crowd and KfW2 cos I'd love to see them.

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