Friday, December 30, 2011

A late scramble...

Perhaps a few days late, I have tried to find something to do tomorrow night, as I blogged earlier. MF has just messaged to my Facebook message chain that she's in England. I was kinda hoping she'd be out at home this year cos I know RB is home and, well, New Year's Eve in a bar with RB (and others) was bound to be eventful, if nothing else.

However, still nothing from my enquiries... it seems everyone's made their own plans this year, so I'm kinda stuck unless a few people have a last minute change of heart or at least invite me along.


Right now, I should be having lunch either with DSC or AM and QC1. I know (and understand) why the DSC thing fell through, but I'm still waiting for AM to tell me where we're meant to be meeting this afternoon. Given that she originally only gave me about 36 hours notice during the usually busy Xmas period, it's understandable that I couldn't originally commit, but when I asked her to keep me informed so that I would turn up if I could, I had expected to have a message this morning.

QC1's and AM's contact is horrendous. I gave up long ago the idea that I should chase them up when they made half-assed arrangements like this. I used to consider them to be really close friends, people I could talk to, but I need people to be more reliable.

I'm also trying to figure out what to do tomorrow night. There were at least three potential parties in the planning and one of them has fallen through due to something that's happened with KfW2, but there were two others that I had high hopes for, but have heard nothing so far. I've already said that I really like NYE. It's always been the best night of the holiday season for me and I love spending it with family and friends, but that's looking unlikely this year so I have about 24 hours to see what's happening and scrounge myself an invite.

A blast from the past

While vegging out in front of the TV, I've managed to catch ten minutes of the old "The Lost World" programme. B-grade but enjoyable nonsense.

Jennifer O'Dell was stunning and sexy. In fact, having a look at Google, it appears she still is (more so, if possible).

Monday, December 26, 2011

Funkadelic Christmas

I'm in another funk. This isn't a surprise, as I tend to get a bit melancholic this time of year, especially when I'm single. I hate being single at Christmas as I've explained to USHW loads of times over the years, but it's worse this year than I remember it being recently. I've tried to get DSC out for a drink, but she's playing hard to get (she does have commitments such as family and a [useless] boyfriend), but it seems like ages since I last saw her and I know that she wasn't 100% happy on Christmas Day either, so perhaps a good whinging session over a drink might help us both out? At the very least, a few drinks in the pub having a good perv at the totty would help!

Just before Xmas, I was out with M and MM and it was mentioned (yet again) that I was single, but when MM mentioned potential dates, MMBF wasn't mentioned and others were. Am I reading too much into this? MMBF is still very cute and sexy, but I'd like to sit down and talk to her, rather than the drunken rambling that we normally indulge in. I might have to seriously start following up on this one rather than doing what I usually do and make a few slight hints and then leave everything to fall into place (which it invariable doesn't, obviously).

DSC continues to be vocal about why I'm not attached. She reckons I'm charismatic and funny and am able to generate chemistry. These things, without wanting to sound arrogant, can be true, if I'm in the mood. I have tonnes of chemistry with loads of people - F, KfW2, CH amongst others. And two of CH's friends have also been sucked in with may charm and cheek when on nights out.

Talking to women isn't the issue, it's finding one that I like. The last woman I was seriously attracted to was RB and that was too long ago - long enough that I am actually concerned that I haven't felt that spark with anyone else since.

Another part of the funk is that KfW2 was asking if I would host a party for New Year's Eve. Unlike a lot of people, I really do like NYE. I like the whole thing about drawing a line under one year and looking forward to the next and I like doing this with friends. This year, MfW has really fucked this up. His relationship with two mutual friends of ours has pretty much soured beyond reconciliation and with respect to at least one of the parties, this is all his fault. But as he is now a housemate, I can't simply have parties and invite whomever I want without at least considering him, and I know he's likely to either cause a scene or leave the flat (for the night). So, with this funk going on, I'm potentially looking at a NYE spent in the house on my own, and I hate that - I like socialising on NYE.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Socially speaking

Out with M on Friday night, but MM and MMBF weren't in attendance, sadly. They were off on their own girly night out. It was a good night out - it always is with M, but I want to see if there's anything going with MMBF. God knows that the past few times we've met, M's been bigging her up. I don't know if this is part of any match-making that might be going on, or if he's simply stating facts about MMBF.

After a few rain checks, I'm also meant to be seeing FP tonight for a few drinks. We've not had a proper chat in ages, so I do kinds hope we do meet up.

This week, I'm also going out on the lash with KfW2, one of her friends from work and her boyfriend. It should be good fun - she's good company. I've met her boyfriend a few times, albeit briefly, and he seems like a good lad.

And, just another little note I shall drop in here - I'm getting busy again at work, which is good. When I first started this new position, nearly 18 months ago, I was hoping that after two years, I could consider moving elsewhere and take the large pay rise that would go with it, but my own advancement has been a lot slower than I would have liked, so I still have a lot to learn.

Also, I've been procrastinating about getting a routine going at the gym. I really need to start losing weight. Fitness is a factor too, but in all honesty, the weight is an issue to me. I need to get up off my ass and start doing something.

Monday, December 05, 2011

Meh 2... Meh Harder.

My funk from yesterday has continued today. This is unusual. In the past when I've had off days with regards my relationship status, it's been a little niggle at the back of my mind, but this current on, so far, is occupying a great deal of my though over these past two days.

I'll be honest, yesterday, I thought I was starting to look at KfW2 less than platonic way and that concerned me, because KfW2 is a friend (and I mean that properly, not just as "someone I know") but I don't think that's the issue now. I will say that KfW2 has a lot of characteristics that I look for in someone, but there's also that I think I saw KfW2 with her boyfriend on Saturday night and that stirred something. It was nice to see a relationship just work, especially after listening to DSC and her own train wreck of a relationship pretty much constantly for the past 18 months and I think that prompted me to want that myself... especially with someone as cool and attractive as KfW2.

Sunday, December 04, 2011


A while ago, KfW2 said that she was meeting a friend of hers, but he wasn't going to be available until late. I then suggested that between her arriving in the city until her friend arriving, I'd meet her for a drink and keep her company.

Ultimately, I ended up staying out all night even though I'd planned on leaving when her friend showed and I had an excellent night out.

Today, though, I'm feeling very "meh" mainly about my relationship status. I don't know what prompted it, but I've not been my usual self today and this is  what's been at the back of my mind all day. Meh.

Giveth and taketh.

While this weekend with KfW2 is a washout, another socialising opportunity has arisen:  a work thing, potentially with Quiet Girl, Stalky Gu...