Sunday, November 27, 2011

I am getting lazy.

I know, I know, another digest of sorts. I was (and am) planning on doing an in-depth blog on each of the following topics, but I just wanted to mention them here in the meantime:

  • FA2 got married a few days ago. I don't know if I ever explained fully what happened between us, but she's the first (serious) ex I've heard of to tie the knot.
  • Since my last blog post, I've been dreaming a lot about RB, but for what reason, I've no idea.
  • Despite doing a job that I like and have wanted to do for a long time, I keep going through periods of seriously looking at something else.
  • I look upon JB as my little sister, but everytime I've gotten drunk over the past few months, I just want to fuck her.
  • I want to go travelling again.
  • I was out with M a few weeks ago and MMBF was mentioned. I said in no uncertain terms that she was lovely. Whether that gets back to her remains to be seen, but we've tentatively made arrangements to meet within a few weeks.
  • I am seriously considering the housemate options at the moment.

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Giveth and taketh.

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