Thursday, July 28, 2011

Ruuude SMASH!

This moving house malarkey has me stressed and angry. For some reason, I appear to be the main contact for everything and MfW is starting to make life very fucking difficult by being a pedant. The other housemate, who's moving with us, has been very backwards in helping us move whether by accident or design. For example, right now, when we should be agreeing who's taking which room in our new place, he's nowhere to been, despite him usually being in the house an hour before now. When we should be trying to get the house in shape for leaving, he's off on a trip to see a concert. Over the past eight or more weeks, not once has he looked or recommended somewhere to live... he's done none of the work. I'll be glad when Monday or Tuesday rolls around and we're in our new place (and I hopefully have the master bedroom with all its perks). Being the driving force behind these two is tiring and I haven't been sleeping well recently, so it's putting me in a bad mood.

The new place is fantastic, though. I'm really looking forward to moving in and getting settled for a bit.

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