Sunday, July 31, 2011

Never go back.

I have a bad feeling about a couple of things. Specifically, both DSC and MfW have hooked up with their most recent exes this week. I can't remember if I've ever mentioned DSC's boyfriend before, but essentially, he's exactly the kind of person I don't like - inflexible, set in his ways, closed off. Ever since DSC told me about him, I had my misgivings and in true, blunt, Ruuude style, I've been very forthright about him to DSC. They originally broke up about three or four months ago, then DSC started seeing him again without telling anyone in a semi-kind of fuck buddy scenario. The boyfriend went so far as to specifically say that he didn't want DSC to be off looking for anyone new, but he was also adamant about him and DSC not being a couple. 

Eventually, DSC got wise and broke it off and recently, she was a lot happier than I remember her being in a long, long time. Then the ex-boyfriend started texting again at the start of the week and since Thursday, they've been officially "back on". To say I'm angry is an understatement and I've promised that I will sit her down for a chat very, very soon. She knows I'm angry and I know what her counter-argument will be. We'll agree to disagree and I'll have to soak up the inevitable fallout.

MfW got an email from his most recent ex-girlfriend on Friday night. They've never worked well together and MfW goes back time and again and it lasts for a few weeks before ending messily again. Within 24 hours, MfW had this girl in the pub and, judging from the noise at half three this morning, was fucking her. Inevitably, he will complain about it at some point later today, but if he's that desperate for a fuck, he has to deal with the consequences himself this time. That's MfW for you... always looking for the easiest way out. About the only time he does put in the work is when he goes to the gym and seems to bust a gut lifting weights, but for everything else, it's just the path of least resistance.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

What is value for money?

MfW has been annoying recently. The big, somewhat paranoid argument in the middle of June is just one example of how volatile MfW can be.

Over the past few days, in the discussions we're having regarding the new house, MfW has been making somewhat strange suggestions... in my own opinion, of course. When trying to decide on a cut of the rent for the new house, MfW seems reluctant to agree that the largest bedroom, complete with an en-suite shower room is worth more than the other two rooms that aren't quite as large. I've suggested that whomever gets the biggest room should be paying at least thirty pounds more than any of the others, but MfW's suggestion means that the luckiest person would pay, maybe ten pounds more than the others. Despite him agreeing that the big room is by far the pick of the bunch, he's strangely reluctant to assign a higher value to it, to something that he would be using every day, should he be lucky enough to get it.

He mentioned it again this morning... but as usual, he focuses on completely the wrong thing. He's too focused on what I perceive to be the value of the room rather than the differential between the biggest room and the others.


Thursday, July 28, 2011

Ruuude SMASH!

This moving house malarkey has me stressed and angry. For some reason, I appear to be the main contact for everything and MfW is starting to make life very fucking difficult by being a pedant. The other housemate, who's moving with us, has been very backwards in helping us move whether by accident or design. For example, right now, when we should be agreeing who's taking which room in our new place, he's nowhere to been, despite him usually being in the house an hour before now. When we should be trying to get the house in shape for leaving, he's off on a trip to see a concert. Over the past eight or more weeks, not once has he looked or recommended somewhere to live... he's done none of the work. I'll be glad when Monday or Tuesday rolls around and we're in our new place (and I hopefully have the master bedroom with all its perks). Being the driving force behind these two is tiring and I haven't been sleeping well recently, so it's putting me in a bad mood.

The new place is fantastic, though. I'm really looking forward to moving in and getting settled for a bit.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

And another...

And on a similar note, Lucy Worsley.

She's cute and intelligent. Even in a relatively dull subject, she's enthusiastic and knowledgeable.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Katie Holmes is a fantastic looking woman

Of all the women I've been attracted to, since I was old enough to find women attractive and not smelly things that annoyed me, I've always been more attracted to brunettes.

I'm just caught a few seconds of Eli Stone on the TV. I've never watched it before, but Katie Holmes is in it, looking fabulous, with short hair. Not many women can carry off the short hair look, but she's definitely one of them.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Indecent thoughts.

I am having somewhat indecent thoughts about KfW2. We're having a text/Facebook conversation and she's telling me about her fancy dress collection, all of which sounds pretty funky and sexy and, you know, she is a good looking girl. I shouldn't be having these thoughts though. I think need to meet someone again.

Saturday, July 09, 2011


By chance, I was talking to R2 on Facebook today. I was all set for asking her for a coffee but then she dropped a bombshell. Apparently an ex-boyfriend of hers tracked her down, whisked her away for a romantic weekend and proposed, all quite out of the blue and now she's based back in the States. It was because she moved to the States years ago that meant we never progressed beyond having a bit of a friendship.

Even after she moved away, we still conversed by letter (pre-internet, believe it or not) until it inevitably fizzled out. Now I have a bit of regret at not making more of an effort to get her out for a drink or a coffee over the past year or so.

Thursday, July 07, 2011

Is this the end?

My blogging this year has been appalling despite a good start in January. Work has been a major factor with a good few months of stress involved - something I've never experienced before in my life. But now it's just apathy. I'm seriously considering jacking in the blogging - after all, with few followers, no comments and little or nothing to say, what's the point?

As an aside, a lot of my favourite blogs are falling into neglect... sometimes due to other side projects as a result of the blogging and others have just gone quiet. Time for new blogs. Do you have any suggestions?

Sunday, July 03, 2011

Being frank.

Spent an afternoon in the sun, drinking with DSC. Great fun and we both took the opportunity to tell some home truths to each other... in a good way, of course. I mentioned that she was forcing this thing with her ex-boyfriend (who's a clown by all account) and that I expect the so-called reconciliation to go tits up sooner rather than later because neither of the two of them have given each other the space they need during their break-up to sort their heads out. There's no denying that they can't work as a couple, but breaking up with someone, not seeing them for about a week, then going into fuck buddy status before trying to get back together isn't the way to go about these things... in my opinion. This will not end well, I predict.

On the flip side, DSC was warning me about my friendship with KfW2. There's no doubt that we're close and have some good chemistry, but there's nothing more to it than that. DSC is concerned about something, but I'm not entirely sure what. I did ask, but I'm not sure that DSC was able to put into words what her gut feeling was. I think it was something to do with the fact that when KfW2 and myself were out for a few drinks last week that someone from work asked KfW2 if we were married. Note, not dating or in a relationship, but actually married. This set off bells in DSC's head as this is not the first time she's heard something similar. DSC, I think, was more concerned about KfW2 might do rather than me, despite me explaining about KfW2's home life. There are so many reasons why KfW2 and I will not end up together that were explained to DSC, but still she felt the need to dish out a warning.

Fair enough. I can take the warning. I can disagree with DSC. In fact, I do! However, if DSC is concerned about KfW2 getting too attached, I can keep an eye out for that.

Giveth and taketh.

While this weekend with KfW2 is a washout, another socialising opportunity has arisen:  a work thing, potentially with Quiet Girl, Stalky Gu...