Friday, April 15, 2011

Inner reflection

Things have been interesting, from a self-examination perspective, not for any other reason.

Work is still pants. I like the actual work, but the dealing with people is proving tiresome. Everything that's not my core job is much more effort and trouble than it should be.

Either way, that's not why I'm blogging. DSC and myself went out for a drink a few nights ago and eventually we got around to talking about why I was single and my recent online dating experiences (and lack thereof). I explained (as I've already stated on here) that it's been ages since I was last attracted to someone... really attracted to someone. That was RB which was, what, almost three years ago?

Three years. Christ. Anyway, I was telling DSC about the mutual friend with M's fiance - a tall, sexy, intelligent girl who I get along with, and she's someone I feel I should like, but there's no 'spark'. If I were to sit down and make a list of the things I'd like in a partner, she'd tick most of them. She suggested I should maybe try anyway with this girl, but even if dating was on the cards, I'd feel guilty about going on a date when there was no kick of attraction.

On a semi-related note, the same thing can be said about KfW2. She's very much a girl I should be attracted to - the box ticking thing I talk about above applies here as well. Recently, we've been getting along famously. Nothing will ever happen because she's currently in a relationship, but also because I directly work with her and to a lesser extent, because she has a kid.

But DSC's words have started me thinking. Should I start poking about to see if this blonde girl is thinking about entering the dating market again? Part of me is thinking I should and that's not like me at all.

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This throat thing is really pissing me off. I had yet another night of little sleep. I was asleep by midnight, awake roughly around 1:30 AM ...